I'm feeling better than usual because this is the first time I've seen my grandparents in almost a year.
I feel fortunate today... I forget what it's like to have family, since I've always lived far away... And I guess it's clearer, how much I appreciate them, now that my grandparents are heading towards the ends of their lives... Savoring the precious moments... Letting my Gram spoil me lol.
Also, it feels good to know someone is thinking of me... Even from oceans away.
I feel fortunate today... I forget what it's like to have family, since I've always lived far away... And I guess it's clearer, how much I appreciate them, now that my grandparents are heading towards the ends of their lives... Savoring the precious moments... Letting my Gram spoil me lol.
Also, it feels good to know someone is thinking of me... Even from oceans away.
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HarryHatting · 31-35, M
You mentioned being oceans away. You all live in the same country?
@HarryHatting oh yeah that's just a friend lol
Not lonely or depressed. Just furious. I’m at the park. I’m planning on sleeping here too.
Nope. I feel great; I feel relaxed and comfortable
blindbob · 41-45
both. all the time.
Not right now I’m not
mindstruggle · 31-35, F
Not at all!
HarryHatting · 31-35, M
I think I am