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GerOttman · 61-69, M
Wash the area including the tick. If it's only bitten the surface and not embedded yet under the skin, grasp firmly at the closest point to the skin and pull straight back. You see a little piece of skin in it's mouth when it comes out. Do not squeeze the body of the tick while it's attached or everything in it's stomach will be forced out of it's mouth. Do not twist the body or the head will seperate. Do not try to burn it out, doesn't usually work. I've heard you can smother it with lotion or vasoline and it will back out on it's own but I've always just pulled them off as described.
Belladonna · 41-45, F
I've heard that covering them in Vaseline works, because it suffocates them to the point of backing out, but I've only ever just plucked the bastards.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
You know, I thought fire or putting cream of some sort on them so they can't breathe was the only way to get them to let go, but a friend insisted that I cut a tick off of him and leave the head and as I was about to with my razor sharp Spyderco knife and had the blade up against it, it let go and ran away.
I've been making jokes since that a tick ran from my Spyder, but apparently if a knife is sharp enough and you start to cut them they let go and run away.
I've been making jokes since that a tick ran from my Spyder, but apparently if a knife is sharp enough and you start to cut them they let go and run away.
Blown out match head
The burning surfer makes them release
The burning surfer makes them release
OggggO · 36-40, M
Tick key. Most other methods risk leaving the head or causing it to disgorge it's stomach contents, making it much more likely to give you a disease.
Somerset · 26-30, M
Use your fingernails, be quick about it. If the area changes color big time after a few days, go to a doctor :D
MsDutchy · F
a tick pencil or whatever that thingie is called
Nip it off with your fingers xx
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Peaceful · F
Peppermint oil.
Burn baby burn
bijouxbroussard · F
I know it’s tricky, because you have to be careful not to leave the head... 🤔