Are you checking your blood sugar frequently?
My husband found that exercise is what decreased his the most .. keep snacks nearby for sugar drops & if inot on sliding scale insulin & it gets really high, mix a tablespoon of cinnamon & mustard mixed ...tastes nasty, but it works.
My husband found that exercise is what decreased his the most .. keep snacks nearby for sugar drops & if inot on sliding scale insulin & it gets really high, mix a tablespoon of cinnamon & mustard mixed ...tastes nasty, but it works.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@MsMontgomery My sugar is in check. If I exercise it's walking, should get back to bowling. Was on insulin, now pills. My doctor had me take 40 units before bed, next day I was on the floor, couldn't get up. Spent days in a hospital. Told by another doctor that 40 units was way too much. I have no faith in doctors. Thanks for your input.
Graylight · 51-55, F
The biggest mistake new diabetics make is thinking that sugar alone is responsible for glucose levels. In fact, it's carbs you need to look out for. Especially simple carbs. So while fruit is healthier than candy, it may be just as high and sugar for you. Check out a national diabetic association online and they can be very helpful. Exercise has been demonstrated to make a very strong impact in a positive way, too.
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Carazaa · F
I am not a diabetic but hear from doctors and friends that eat protein first thing in the morning, like a piece of chicken, it helps you the rest of the day. And of course stay away from anything that has sugar in it.
purplepen · 51-55, F
That sounds like type 1 diabetes? Do some research that is specifically for type 1, if that is what you have. If you're not sure, try to get further tests to see which type it is.
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GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SW-User I was put on 40 units at night. Now it's only pills for now at least. I have my meter to check my sugar. Sugar from 500 to 46.
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It is very hard to do ,but it helps to have snacks throughout the day just to keep it level
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SW-User I would prefer to listen to someone with diabetes then doctors who give different answers. I'll be changing my eating habits, from sweets to fruit, less sugar and salt.

@GunSmoke9 i have cut out all fruits ...i find they spike my blood sugars ...i have chosen a restricted diet ,by choice ...but i think for me what really affects my blood sugars is stress,anxiety...I'm trying to get that under control ,but it's been very hard to do that ...i eat very healthy and excersize twice a day me,every day for 30 minutes ...and that even isn't enough can be very frustrating and it is ..ugh ...good luck
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@SW-User I have to go through trial and error before I know what works for me. I do love my food and cooking different things. I'll be checking my sugar level, taking the meds every day. Good luck to you too.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Depending on what type of diabetes you have, taking a cinnamon and garlic supplement may help, ask your doctor.
GunSmoke9 · 56-60, M
@therighttothink50 I do love my cinnamon and some garlic. It's doctors I don't trust. My doctor puts me on insulin, another doctor puts me on pills. Told to take 40 units before bed, next day rushed to hospital. Thanks for your input, I'll try those supplements.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@GunSmoke9 consult with your doctor about it before taking them.