Much like a muscle that is broken down during exercise, a broken heart that is tended to properly will grow stronger. I’m sorry that you are dealing with heart break but you will get through to the other side. It can take time but you can control it to some degree. Exercise and personal goals are a great way to force yourself out of the sadness.

You had too much coffee maybe.
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@SwanNual The feeling that you will die is normal when you have a panic attack. It doesn’t mean you will. I have felt the same way when I was anxious from a caffeine overdose. Different cause but same effect. I’m still here.
SwanNual · 31-35, F
@SW-User True, it literally felt like dying. But what I'm experiencing now I can still feel like I'm breathing so it's not extreme but it's uncomfortable.

@SwanNual Lie down if you can and listen to meditation music on YouTube.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Anxiety while sleeping slows your breathing ... just try to catch it, deep breaths thru your nose...
TexChik · F
It’s time to include your doctor in your issues .
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
No.... I get it to... it’s annoying though

Happens to me all the time -- thank you cannabis.
WeighedDown · 41-45, M
I wake up mad at the world sometimes