sometimes you have to try different medications and dosages before you find one that works for you
WindowSqueak · 31-35, F
Hey, hi. My hubby was on celexa for like twelve years (most of which I wasn’t around for). But celexa has its downsides. Lowered sex drive, almost to non-existent, feeling muddled- bad memory- like you are in a brain fog. Bring up the side effects to the doctor. There are so many drug options they literally just go down a list until something works for you. My hubby didn’t need the anti depressant, just the anti anxiety- so we got switched to something without SSRI stuff. Another med might fit you better. Don’t give up. Keep notes on how you feel and bring someone close with you to help explain how it’s effecting your life.
katielass · F
Most anti-depressants take about 4-6 weeks to be fully effective. How long have you been taking?
Drug book says to allow 4 weeks for symptoms to improve.
Drug book says to allow 4 weeks for symptoms to improve.
Mermaidarte · 26-30, F
Longer than that probably @katielass
katielass · F
@Mermaidarte Then I'd tell the prescribing doc that you still feel depressed. No point in taking something that isn't working. Not every medication works for everyone. Maybe another will work better for you. good luck.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
It takes 3-4 weeks to start working. This brand may not work for you. You need to consult your doctor and Celexa is not something you can just stop.
Tminus6453 · M
How long have you been on it?
Allelse · 36-40, M
Is that some sort of laxative?
LyricalOne · F
Can take a few months to kick in. Or, you need to try another medication. Best to check with your doctor.
coolboy86 · 36-40, M
no imracle cure