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workaholic2626-30, M
no it does not. sorry about that. guess i was bragging a little bit. my bad. i can throw supporting words at you to make you want to do it more often if that helps

JakeShade61-69, M
well, as for me, I've never sought a "lean chiseled physique" (from the ads)... I have always had a naturally powerful physique... Viking stock and all that, so maybe I just took that for granted... and I always depended on a very naturally active outdoor lifestyle (work and play) to maintain my fitness. I haven't seen my abs clearly in a while (put down the beer you idiot!) but my thighs are still "thews" and my shoulders still sometimes appear to be able to carry the weight of the world.

I now wish I had developed a more formal exercise routine earlier in life... my 50's and a lot more stress than I realized I could trip over kicked my metabolism out from under me.

I still work (and play) as hard as my condition allows, but I keep forgetting to adjust all that activity to be properly balanced. Chopping a half cord of wood sounds like a good workout, and it is aerobically, but it doesn't work all the muscle groups as consistently as it might. I wonder if I might work with my daughter and her partner to develop an "accidental crossfit" program for those of us who have plenty of hard physical labor available but just need to balance it properly?!

My daughter (at 35) chose to take a much more conscious approach to both nutrition and exercise about 5 years ago and I really applaud her for it. I'm *still* not into being a gym-rat but recognize the value more than ever of getting conscious, well rounded exercise!

What drew you to Body Beast? Are you looking for a "lean chiseled physique"? I know a few women in their 60's that pull that off pretty well and I *do* find it attractive... but my instinct has always been toward a more well rounded lifestyle than those women seem to have (men too of course)?
JakeShade61-69, M
I hadn't heard of it before, I'm afraid it's implied goals are WAY over the top for me. My daughter (in another state) has a Crossfit gym and I off and on participate in a local program (I call it cross-fit for geriatrics because most of us are over 50, and some are over 70!)... it is adjusted (as crossfit always is) to our performance levels.
I just watched a little of it on youtube. I think I need some ibuprofen and a nap now.
I'm gonna give you massive kudos for doing this program and will proudly sit in the bleachers and be your cheer squad!
ravenwind4351-55, F
That looks amazing but only having been back at working out for 5 months I am NOT ready rofl. I am training right now for my first 5K and I am hoping in October to be ready.:)
ravenwind4351-55, F
I am doing some weight training but nothing that intense. Perhaps I will be ready next year butttt...still have a ways to go:) GL, I would be excited to hear about your progress.
Well...if by "company" I can lay on the sofa with my bag of cheetos and holler, "you got this girl!"...I'M IN!!

Seriously Carissimi...I think it's awesome and I know you are going to kick ass and take names!
Hahahaha @Pink. I'm doing "Arms" tomorrow. I have done it before, but it's easier with company. 馃槉
ravenwind4351-55, F
I don't know what it is but I will look into it!:)
workaholic2626-30, M
sorry but i do my own workouts. run 7 days a week and lift 5 days a week. i run 3 days a week 4 miles in the morning and the other 4 days i go 5 miles in the morning. my workouts change every day so it isnt as much stress on my body.
@Jake, I have seen women over 70 doing crossfit. I don't think it's my thing. I like my Body Beast & Cathe Friedrich workouts, and if something is too advanced, I modify.
KingofPizza236-40, M
Is that the program where you insult a homeless woman who knocks at the door of your castle, she reveals herself to be an enchantress and turns you into a muscular beast?
@Raven, it's an intense weight training program. Not recommended for begginers, but if you have already done weight training for a while, you could do it.
@work, that's all well and good, but doesn't help me.
Cheer leaders are good too Pink. 馃檪
Thanks, Pink.

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