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Do you judge someone more for being fat or too skinny

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RowBoGirl · 26-30, F
@SW-User Thanks Good :)
AnnaKarenina · 31-35, F
I'm sure I judge in some way. Everyone does, and they'd be lying if they were to say they didn't. Of course, everyone wants to appear morally perfect by saying they don't judge, which is ironic because those people are judging those who are honest and upfront about their judgements.

I judge the society based off the byproducts of unhealthy people. And, as Internet said in a previous comment, there are some variables of slight predictable personality that can't be ignored. I believe there are exceptions to everything, but at the same time, there are patterns, and it would be ignorant and naive to ignore them just for the sake of someone's feelings. Would I verbally judge or actively judge someone in a negative manner? No. Do I feel saddened by and worried about eating disorders of any kind? Yes. That's a form of judgement, but who says judgement alone is a bad thing?

Some people feel disgust towards those with eating disorders. Some feel sadness. Some feel pity. To not judge would mean to be indifferent, which does not help those people get healthier. We have to judge people to deem that they are in need of help or support. Maybe it would be a good idea to identify the definition of 'to judge.' Judging with the intent to reprimand or shame someone is totally unacceptable, but judging with the intent to help or care for someone is the only way we can identify and reach out to help those who really need it.
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RowBoGirl · 26-30, F
I am surprised the most of you dont take any side on this question!
@RowBoGirl im pretty much one of them. Hi I'm bob"
nedkelly · 61-69, M
None of my business
rickoo164 · 56-60, M
I would say anything to him or her but I would think...?!!
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
May i also add that the only perfect beings i've ever known were the dogs i've had.
No. I like them how god created them naturally but, i get worried when they dig themselves from the influence by man of itself

That my friend, is false peace for the Majority
RowBoGirl · 26-30, F
@SW-User yay you right
popmol · 26-30, M
i don't i'm fat myself. would be hypocritical. but i want to help them loose weight and gain weight respectively
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
God no! Who the heck am i to judge them?
RowBoGirl · 26-30, F
@luv2fly352 That's good :)
I try not to judge.
Myself11 · 61-69, M
Nether I don't like to judge people
ticklerguy · M
I never judge anyone
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Not usually
btchstfu · F
Probably fat but I always wonder why is it more socially acceptable to call someone skinny
Diyanne · F
No...maybe he or she has an illness that make him fat or skinny...
whateverhappens · 26-30, F
thats really ridiculous
RowBoGirl · 26-30, F
@whateverhappens Haha glad you feel that way
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
I feel more concerned for the health of someone who is extremely skinny than extremely fat. I try not to judge people, though I dislike arrogant people intensely
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
@RowBoGirl I wasn't talking about you. :) I don't know you in the slightest.
RowBoGirl · 26-30, F
@DanielChristensen Oh sorry I read that the wrong way
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
@RowBoGirl np it happens. I hope you're having a great day or evening
Its judge not jude get it right in future and i judge no one on anything
RowBoGirl · 26-30, F
@SW-User I fix that right after I posted it

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