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Do you know many nurses or doctors who smoke?

My friends mom is a nurse who smokes and I always notice nurses out front of the hospital smoking
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Diyanne · F
Yeah. I believe its stress. I hv met many docs and profs, they hardly smile, if they do smile, their smile is not like us. So far only one smile so nicely and warm, he"s a prof.
katielass · F
@Nunlover, I am a little overweight. At first I didn't gain any weight after I quit but I am now and I have to put a stop to it. I exercise daily but those exercises are to help the effects of a stroke I had in October. I used to ride my bike about 10 miles every day but cannot do that now because of balance issues. I hope I don't become a blimp because it will be so hard to get it off.
I know a couple of nurses that do ,I'm a bit more concerned about the amount of obese people in the health care industry not the smokers
IH8Santa · 26-30, F
@ic3queen also stress of being sued
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smiler2012 · 61-69
ih8santa I am a nhs worker and at our hospital we have a policy that staff cannot smoke anywhere on hospital grounds and if found doing so will face disciplinary action for there trouble
Doran10 · 80-89, M
I don't know about doctors, but I'be seen a surprising number of nurses smoke.
IH8Santa · 26-30, F
@Tom that's what I thought too but maybe they started in college or high school cuz of peer pressure or I guess stress even from learning
katielass · F
Not weird at all. Most people who smoke start long before learning "what they know".
MellyMel22 · F
Every nurse I know but one smokes!
bandit97 · 26-30, M
my mom is a nurse. so i know a lot of nurses but non of them smokes
katielass · F
I'm a nurse and I smoked until last October.
tomtracy438 · 41-45, M
The stress of job i think
katielass · F
thank you Nunlover. :)
Darci ·
I know. They're probably just freaking stressed like the whole lot of us 😂
IH8Santa · 26-30, F
Lol your user 😂
they set a good example to every one
Sorry to hear that naughty lass ,I wish you luck 😄
Hdryder555 · 61-69, M
My second wife is a nurse last time I saw her she still smoked
Naughty lass ,are you over weight ? I'm more concerned about that
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