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LadyGrace · 70-79
Yes, absolutely, but no one believes holistic medicine works, so I don't waste my time and breath sharing it anymore. In the past, even as short a time as last week, I gathered up all my information and sent it as usual, only to get the cold shoulder. So if everyone wants to take these poisonous drugs into their system with all their horrific side effects, they are free to do so.
Miram · 31-35, F
Addressing the initial problem, excercice, getting a healthy rhythme, healthy diet, meditations, productive hobbies, therapy and as a last resort;medication. Meds never work alone.
Yes, it nothing easy. But there is hope as long as we don't give up.
Addressing the initial problem, excercice, getting a healthy rhythme, healthy diet, meditations, productive hobbies, therapy and as a last resort;medication. Meds never work alone.
Yes, it nothing easy. But there is hope as long as we don't give up.
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AnukBinary · M
Come find this unicorn when you are truly ready🦄
Miram · 31-35, F
@AnukBinary you silly man
AnukBinary · M
Miram · 31-35, F
@AnukBinary It feels silly
Fernie · F
what have you tried so far?
Not really.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User There definitely is. Definitely. I know, because there was a time when I grieved severely for a very long time and I could not function at all, then used holistic remedies to become totally healthy again. I also used them on my daughter when her quack doctor over-drugged her and today she is fine. Friends and family use these products as well and with great results. So those who claim that natural medicine does not work, do not know what they're talking about. A good friend of mine who also uses holistic medicine, had a bird that the veterinarian completely gave up on because he had a huge tumor, larger than his head, attached to the base of his neck in the back. It was really gross looking and he sent them home with their bird thinking the bird would die anytime. We put our heads together and came up with a remedy that dried up the tumor and it fell to the bottom of the cage. The bird lived another seven years.