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trigger warning: ED I stopped making my journey about weight loss and about being healthy

I now eat three meals a day which is such a big deal for me because i have a very unhealthy relationship with food due to my experience with EDs

As I have mentioned before I am bipolar so when my mood dips i find it hard to maintain eating properly i will eat little to nothing and then when i become manic i overeat. This causes dramatic fluctuations in my weight.

I realized there is just some food that is just plain unhealthy and would be better to be avoided altogether. I realized the reason dieters gain all the weight back before ten years is bc they are on a "diet" meaning they restrict their calories intake for an amount of time that causes them to lose weight. Once they've reached their goal they go off of the diet aka the temporary restriction of caloric intake and revert back to their unhealthy eating habits which is why ultimately they gain the weight back

i also realized the american diet is very overall generally unhealthy and with that awareness comes a newfound sense of power. Our portions are much larger and we need to be aware of that everytime we eat. Do I really need a plate with a meat and three sides? NO. One or two is fine. As long as it fills me up. We prioritize too many starches over greens and vegetables. We don't eat enough soup. and we don't get enough sleep and think coffee is going to solve that. A lot of times we overeat because we're sleepy we subconsciously recognize something is wrong or deficient so we eat to try to satisfy that feeling but the feeling is actually sleep deprivation. not hunger

I realized you have to exercise and change your diet lifestyle altogether to lose weight. And when you hit the plateau you workout harder and more intensely. when you have lost all of the weight you continue eating healthy you don't go back to eating cookies and chips and root beer.

i also took the wonderful advice of a sweep a while back NOT TO WEIGH myself everyday. I started measuring myself, and i go by my clothes sizing and my measurements. I now weigh myself once a month. It's too triggering for me who has recovered from an ED to weigh myself daily. The gain and loss SIGNIFICANTLY impacts my mood not only that it can trigger me to overeat or binge eat as a way of coping with my feelings. Because when you're bipolar the smallest thing can trigger your entire mood to go to absolute shit and it's very difficult to intentionally pull yourself out of that.
1pebbles · 56-60, F
Eating properly, being active is a way of life, dieting is a temporary jump start to motivate and change engrained habits and thinking patterns... Deal with the triggers that send you spiralling down and keep pulling yourself back up
when do we get to see more great pictures of you
PatKirby · M
You make some good points. The part about yo-yo dieting is very true, it affects the metabolism so when the dieter finally gets off the diet, they gain weight back. Not good. Better to eat three square meals each day, go for walks daily, and get yourself to bed early so the body can get proper rest.
Montanaman · M
You've become wise in recent times.
That pleases me greatly,
Because you are very special and we care about you very much.
Carry on.
whats funny miss

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