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Are geriatric boomers the only ones that are outraged by student loan forgiveness?

I swear it's just a bunch of old people complaining because back in 1902 they had to pay for everything
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deadgerbil · 26-30
They are from a time where you could afford college while only working part time, and they've failed to update their cognitive software

Plus a lot of them have no problem supporting all the tax cuts to the rich and throwing money at the military; asked to do the same with healthcare or education, they cry sOciAlIsM lol
Yeah the ones that graduated with only a 10 k debit in student loans in the 80s lol
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
Tell them you’re gonna buy more avocado toast with the savings- that’ll get them really steamed up
Graylight · 51-55, F
Hard to keep complaining about the state of healthcare or education in America and deny the young people who're going to fill those rooms the means to do so with skill.
Krysclear · 31-35, F
Negative. There are a bunch of people that had to do the right thing and pay for loans themselves while also having to pay for kids, cars and places to stay
@Krysclear young adults not being able to afford a home and car without help from their parents shows how broken the system is and why loan forgiveness was necessary.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Krysclear Schools had the responsibility for also doing the right thing. College costs have increased by 169% since 1980—but pay for young workers is up by just 19%. You do the math...if you could afford to be taught how.
It seems so. They want everyone to be miserable just like they were 😂
I think it’s people who pay taxes and hold down jobs have had enough of the tax and spend BS. Some day the bill is gonna come in and it will probably be your savings they’ll steal to pay it.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Some genXers whom have just finished paying off their loans on top of keeping up with car payments, day care and mortgages are kinds ticked... an extra $10K to live would be pretty goddamned helpful.
"Back in the day, before we made everything unaffordable, we paid everything ourselves. Now we used up all the cheap stuff, it's your turn to do the same with the expensive things, damnit!"

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