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2 Chronic Illnesses, making me depressed.

Hey all, it’s been a while and I may have mentioned it already… I can’t remember. I have recently been diagnosed with two different chronic illnesses. One tells me I need to stay from refined carbs, sugars, get lots of fiber and whole grains. Etc. Both tell me to lose weight and have done a damn good job if I do say so myself (42 lbs in about 5 months through weight training, cardio, and attempting to eat these diets). When I was diagnosed with the second they told me the opposite. Less fiber, less whole grain, no fats, blah blah. Now i don’t know what to eat. I want some flavor. I don’t know how to cook veggies at work when I work 8-5. I don’t know how to not break down every single day with this. Part of me just wants to keep up working out and not think of food, but when my blood work came back it had tripled even with the progress. I’m so lost man. I try to make a smoothie and fruits have too much sugar and are bad too. At this point I just want to have a needle in my arm that feeds me and not eat at all. I’m so depressed.

Update: I guess I shouldn’t have posted here… I say I’m depressed and people are just being rude. Now I remember why I left this site.
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JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
So sorry.

I have diabetes so had to stop drinking soda and adding sugar to my coffee, and stop eating desserts.

The diet sodas, and the zero sugar sodas are awful. So I stopped altogether. Sigh.

I do like sucralose (Splenda), which I use in my coffee. But very few other products use it.

I have tried "zero sugar" desserts, most made with "sugar alcohols." But they are not great and I think mess with my guts somehow.

I also have high blood pressure, so need to cut out salt. I never add it, other than when I cook a steak. But so much food has added salt. It is hard to be saltless.

Oh, and I have constipation so need more fiber. I took some orange powder for a while, the stuff you stir into water, but that is annoying. It encrusts my glasses. I eat a lot of cereal and wheat crackers.

Oh and I need to lose weight, so less fat.

At least protein is still encouraged. But I like meat like steak and ham, and it is fatty and salty.

KelXtraAF · 31-35, F
@JoyfulSilence I never was a fan of pork based products and eat little red meat (besides tacos). I cut out soda and juice completely in August cold turkey. I have to do it that way for sodas or it’ll never go away
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

Good luck!
swandfriends · 41-45, F
I'm diabetic. I do low carb, but mix in just a little fiber foods too, to get a good balance. Look at it this way, incorporate just one small healthy meal or snack you'd normally not eat. Sometimes that one small thing you eat a day can make a big difference. What was your diagnosis? Also take vitamins. It can even be baby vitamins, which is a multivitamin. Mine doesn't have potassium in them, so I buy those separately
KelXtraAF · 31-35, F
@swandfriends liver disease and gastroparesis.
swandfriends · 41-45, F
The vitamin Milk Thistle is supposed to be good for the liver. Do you take any vitamins at all?
Wow--heavy burden.

Sorry this is all happening.

I think you might meet with a dietician for some ideas and show that person what you have done and the conflicting messages.

But remember that YOU have threaded that tortuous needle and done VERY well--


That level of weight loss us INCREDIBLE!

Take heart in THAT.

And maybe it's time to get retested to try to see what is really going on; bloodwork, etc., can show a lot and mayhaps your stellar weight loss means you are not really under the gun as much as you were. Weight loss can fix borderline Type II diabetes, low level cardic issues, etc.

Check it out!
pdockal · 56-60, M
find a specialist in nutrition & weight loss ... not a general practioner
cook & reheat @ work ... I work construction & I can bring veggies etc ... I have plug in personal size crok pot (Amazon)
pdockal · 56-60, M

ok but sounds like you need nutritionist/dietition & weight loss specialist
KelXtraAF · 31-35, F
@pdockal I mean… I thought 42 lbs in 5 months was pretty good, but I’m waiting on a list for nutrition
pdockal · 56-60, M

its NOT the lbs but the percentage of weight you lost & your BMI & blood levels
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I think you really need to get your doctors advice on this
Praying for healing from both🙏🏼
KelXtraAF · 31-35, F
@Matt85 I have two specialist and nothing is helping
Freetime · 56-60, M
That sounds very hard to live with. Have you consulted a nutritionist?
Freetime · 56-60, M
@KelXtraAF Sounds like your doctor is not doing her job very well. You very much need that referral.
KelXtraAF · 31-35, F
@Freetime I think with my area I live in it is just difficult to get appointments with specialists in a timely manner.
Freetime · 56-60, M
@KelXtraAF I see. That's a problem in a lot of places. Best wishes to you.
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I’m so sorry
That sounds incredibly frustrating
KelXtraAF · 31-35, F
@JRVanguard it really is. I’ve been crying so much and my husband is oblivious
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@KelXtraAF If you want a bit a of advise, I used to work at a heath food/organic food store and we always had a certified nutritionist on hand who managed the supplements section
I don’t know if that’s a common practice everywhere but it probably wouldn’t hurt to take a look at a local one if you have one and see or even call ahead to see if someone would be available to help you with supplement vs diet management

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