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So update regarding my last post about having to have an MRI

They found a lesion in the right lateral splenium of the corpus callosum measuring 4mm.
Doctor doesn't know if the symptoms i have been experience relate to the lesion at all, but they have recommended a repeat MRI in 6 months to assess progress and i have a referral to see a neurologist but the next available appointment isn't until September. Looks like i'll be waiting a while.
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
Be positive. I read the doc didn't think it was a tumor. I have a fear story to have you look in the bright side. In regards to a stroke I had 6 weeks after Vickie passed.
1st an aside. It not unusual for neurologist to have long waits. When I saw the one they assigned me I found out she didn't even do service in the hospital I was in. I was doing well enough I didn't go back.
The Vascular Specialist found a artery blockage on the right side of my neck. I was the hospital for 4 days then sent a physical therapy hospital and was home in a miraculous 2 weeks.
Following up on the artery. I knew the risk of surgery to clear it could make things worse. He and I agreed to risk waiting six months. Well the artery sealed itself off. No more talk of surgery. That was almost 2 years ago.

Stay positive. It's the best medicine.
AxeyTea · 31-35, F
@Gibbon Thank you for sharing.
Been there, done the MRI waiting game and the follow ups. It's usually nothing, or far less an issue than you feared.
I do realize waiting is difficult, but it sounds like your doctor's not too concerned.
Like others have said, take heart, and be positive!
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
The waiting is so hard especially when you are having issues. I wish you the best.
AxeyTea · 31-35, F
@SwampFlower Thank you so much.
I am not seeing what symptoms you had...?
AxeyTea · 31-35, F
@SomeMichGuy Tingling in my head, down one side of my face and in my legs.
@AxeyTea Oh wow.

A lesion is not good, but a quick look seems to indicate that some lesions are temporary, esp. as you indicated.

Let's go with that...

I hope & pray that this resolves and never bothers you again.
AxeyTea · 31-35, F
@SomeMichGuy Thanks so much
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
What, is that a tumor? Or do they know what would it be from? I hope you are okay
AxeyTea · 31-35, F
@Notsimilarreally No they don't think it's a tumour. They're not sure. The doctor said she wasn't too concerned about it but that they just want to monitor it. Who knows. Feeling pretty deflated tbh.
Allelse · 36-40, M
How do they think you got that?
AxeyTea · 31-35, F
@Allelse Not sure really.
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
Thats in the brain right?
AxeyTea · 31-35, F
@SledgeHammer It's the part which helps the 2 hemispheres to communicate.
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
@SomeMichGuy ah... Got it.
ultra · FNew
you might be suddenly gifted with savant abilities 😶

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