As someone else mentioned, it sounds like an ocular/retinal migraine. The first time I had one I was in my late 20's, and I thought I was maybe having a stroke or something.
Anyway, you've probably read about them by now and although 'trippy'...most times it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with your eye.
@Colonelmustardseed 🤔 if you really are worried get them checked out after all these are your windows too the world and are precious and need too be looked after
@Colonelmustardseed It's a type of headache but there's no pain of any kind. I'm old school and prefer aspirin for discomfort. When this eye thing happens I take just one and it goes away in about 20 minutes or less.
It sounds like you’re experiencing something quite unsettling. The spinning colors and vision issues you're describing could indeed be related to retinal fatigue or even a migraine aura, especially if you didn’t have a specific trigger like prolonged screen time.
It’s always better to check with a professional if you’re concerned about your eye health. In the meantime, try to rest your eyes and avoid any potential irritants.
Yes, life is rather risky. Yes, there are "a hundred and one ways for the body to malfunction." And it's always fun when someone like yourself tries to inject more fear into other peoples' lives. Fear mongering like yours definitely has its place.
You may view it as injecting more fear into your life. Modern medicine is driven by money. It is not mean for the poor. Even if you can afford it, do you want somebody else's heart beating in your body? Do you want to be Dick Cheney?
@sree251 In every developed nation except the US, they have national health care systems, which means people don't have to be bankrupted by the cost of repairing torn retinas.
These national health care systems cost far less and produce both longer life expectancies and lower infant mortality than the US. Remind us, who is blocking every effort to make health care more equitable in the US??
In every developed nation except the US, they have national health care systems, which means people don't have to be bankrupted by the cost of repairing torn retinas.
You do swear by research data, don't you? All those charts are pretty impressive even though you don't know a damn thing about the results they are pushing for. Public health is not about health of the public. It's about the bottom lines of the health industry.