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Do people get STI tests done regularly, or when sex with a new partner is imminent, or for some other reason (like after you stupidly have ONS/NSA)?

I've never had one myself, but then again I don't date an/or have any sexual activity with others since about 2016 (I left my ex in mid 2018 - read into that what you will).

Never really talked about it. My last ex works as a sexual health nurse so that's probably why being intimate and sexual with her was so difficult as she's totally 'medical model' about ever aspect of her life and everything about sex with her had a purpose (for her to get pregnant - nothing ever about actual pleasure for both of us together).

So do you get a regular STI check (even if you don't need to), and why?

Do you get one before you start having sex with someone new, and why?

Do you engage in regular ONS/NSA sex and do you get STI checks because of that?

Any other reasoning?

I'm curious as I've never had in person discussions with anyone ever about this topic.
Lloorrii2 · 46-50, F
Yes i get a regular check up.
zonavar68 · 51-55, M
@Lloorrii2 Is that because you're sexually active generally, or you don't have one single regular sexual partner, or something else?

I suppose I ask partly because it's never really something that's come up when I've tried dating, and my second ex is a sex health nurse so STI awareness is front-of-mind for her.

I've not been sexually active (except with myself) since 2016.

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