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I feel ppl think of me. . . And im tearing up. Also my brain is actually healing.

Brain matter isnt supposed to regenerate. . . But mine is. Therefore F the police!
The pieces are there. You put them together.
Actually, theyve discovered IT CAN !

The brain is neuroplastic.

Even if bits are damamged, it can re- route other areas and repurpose them for new tasks.

So go for it Man☺️....Heal thyself 💚💜💪
jehova · 31-35, M
@OogieBoogie thank you! I am the case study; 'brother' (sister). Its not only rerouting, the brain matter is regenerating. Im showing them how without any medical intervention until they finally identified the tumor and removed it after ignoring my attempts to get treatment for nearly 2 years. Instead theyd put me on antiseizure medicine instead of owning their own negligence.
Im not messing around. The third of my brain that was removed along with the tumor the size of a golfball is about 20 to 40% regenerated in less than 9 months since removal. They know it can be done only because im showing them how.

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