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multiple sclerosis - my story

One day, about 3 years ago.

I am at home and suddenly i feel a pain growing in my cheek.
I was thinking, was it because i tried to remove a dimple too agressively?..or something stuck between my teeth, so i clean them real good.
The pain spread even more to the entire side of my face, and it grew in intensity real badly!!.
So bad that i wanted to cry, and that very rarely happens.
Took some normal painkillers.. still, no relief.
I grew desperate, what to do?. I began running around the house, doing pushups and all.
Thinking some adrenalin would help.
And... it did? Or it was chance.
I didnt think too much of it, maybe it was teeth or something.

... a week passed and exactly the same thing happend.
A pain in one side of my face that would grow to intolerable levels within 20min and stay there for 2 hours.
Again, i ran around the house like a crazy person, and it went away some time after.
But this time, it left its mark.
My one leg and arm feel a little strange. One siff of my face would feel a little numb, including inside my nose and mouth.
I went to the dentist asking if they heard anything like it. Nope.
My doctor too, and they checked some small things nothing.
I think he missed something.. he made me bend my neck..
And i guess i was supposed to feel an eletric shock or buzz down my legs. And i did.. but not the way he made me do it.

.. the weird feelings stayed, and i went to another doctor.
And he was clearly more worried.
I can send you to emergency scan right now!!
But wooow.. hold on... ambulance and all? Right now?.
No no.. its not that critical.
I can wait for ordinary time for scan..
And so i did for many months (scandinavian based).

Got the scans.. spinal fluid test. And i waited for the resultets..
But already i had picked up on all the clues, and i knew it was it..
When doctor gave me the official diagnosis i just sat there.... "okay"..
And he almost grab my arm to say "this is serious!, you understand?".. yes.. i do..

It was so bad.. finally i felt i got over many of teen insecurities. Finally started doing some real jobs, educated. And now this.

I could wake up tomorrow being unable to walk.. see anything.. feel.. think..
It can hit any function of my body almost. But i dont know when, or if.

No cure.
Medicin for life, if i want.
Scans every year.

Its really great as a guy espcially, when youre supposed to be strong and all.
No family yet.

But i am alright too. Positive and optimistic usually.
I didnt have this extrme pain since.
Only sometimes my thumb feels a little like its made of elephants skin, slightly numb.
Tingleling in legs or arm, but its not there now.
A eletric buzz down my legs if i bend my neck a certain way.
Slight pressure to my forehead, but it can be too much screen time too.
Feeling maybe more easily tired. And when tired you can be less cohrent, easily frustrated or other.

I know i am not alone also.
But wish none of us needed have this of course.
Even my very first big crush got it.

I am on hunt for vitamins, supplements anything that can be good for me.
And there should be lifestyle changes too.
But its hard sometimes when either you can feel, i want to do everything!!! Now! Fast!. Live life!!. Dance at any chance i got while i know i can walk!!.
But also feel, its too late anyway, etc. Depressed.
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ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
My prayers...Blessings to you.
Carissimi · F
I’m sorry this has happened to you. I hope you have a good family and friends to support you.
Mirkwood · 36-40, M
@Carissimi thank you. I do and have luckily.
Even tho i am not one to talk much about it, or others are.
Just gotta live. Its like normal life where things can happen, but my forecast does look a little more cloudy
Carissimi · F
I hope it is a very slow progression for you. My best wishes for this. @Mirkwood
Wiseacre · F
Want could anyone say that would make it better other than “I’m deeply sorry this happened to u.”
Adrenalinerush · 56-60, F
Sending you prayers 🙏
fun4us2b · M
Sorry to hear this - I will share a story. A relative of mine also has MS - he does not give a SHIT - the place he works doesn't know he has it - he walks terribly and refuses to give in to a wheelchair - it's been about 10 years...

Whenever I'm with him he looks like he's about to fall - If I try to help he looks at me like he's going to kill me...

I finally get it. He will not let it define him...

We adjust to our challenges and I bet someone will find you

I got nothing - but just thought I'd share that...
NinaTina · 26-30, F

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