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Why do meat eaters act like they know more than my doctor?

He said my diet is perfectly healthy. But ask any weird meat eater online and they think they know more. 💀 y’all are strange

Why do vegetarians trigger you?

dale74 · M
I am a meat eater but i say anyone can eat what ever they choose.
Andromedanian · 22-25, M
To be edgy, people complain about vegans driving their diet preferences in their face, no one be talking bout people always disrespecting vegans with comments like "dang, you oughta have lots of nutrient deficiencies"
Piper · 61-69, F
Although I'm not a meat eater myself, I do have some therories about this. All of them pretty much boil down to them needing a justification for their own choices.
I am vegetarian but for health reasons. I dont need to justify any thing to any one
WhateverWorks · 36-40
I’m fine with vegetarians 🤷🏻‍♀️ Doesn’t work for me, but it does for some.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I say eat whatever you want
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Because of your reaction!!
@Quimliqer getting annoyed that people are bothering me for no reason? I think that’s a normal reaction. I believe it’s important to cut people down when they are acting out of line.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
@666Maggotz Dont reply to their comments.
Azlotto · M
Why do vegetarians trigger you?

LMAO...They never have and never will.
Azlotto · M
@666Maggotz Vegetarians don't trigger me.
@Azlotto interesting thing to focus on, since it wasn’t even the main point.
Azlotto · M
@666Maggotz I know several vegetarians...They seem to be good people.
tenente · 100+, M
seems people can't help it 🙄 it's like if they don't impose their opinions on you then they'll spontaneously combust 🔥 or something 🤷‍♂️ full disclosure: am meat eater who doesn't concern himself with other peoples dietary habits

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