My skin grew over my stitches overnight!
I had a skin cancer removed from my calf 12 days ago and am scheduled to have them removed in 5 days. The last few days it has been very red and looking infected, but I have continued using the antibiotic cream and oral antibiotics the doctor prescribed. So I got up today and looked at my stitches, and my skin is almost completely grown over the stitches! I tried to get them out myself, but even the knots are under the skin now! Has this ever happened to anyone else here? It’s the weekend, so my doctors office is closed. I can’t get off work to go in the doctor on Monday, and they don’t have any appointments until Friday, which is my appointment to get the stitches removed. I’m really terrified. They will have to dig them out and I’m scared of that pain if they won’t deaden it- and those shots hurt like Hell anyway! Night before last I was stressing about it so much that I couldn’t sleep all night and kept imagining the doctor trying to dig them out. I’m freaking out now.