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Considering changing my hair color…

Poll - Total Votes: 8
Keep it Blonde
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…a dark auburn brown or a dark shade of red. Any thoughts or suggestions? I’ve been blonde my entire life aside from a short stint in college (which was a short stint in time anyway) and I dyed my hair a natural red tone and it was so convincing that my friends who had met me in my freshman year thought that I was a natural redhead. It wasn’t even a high quality dye and was a wash in type that eventually washed out. But since my coloring is light anyway I guess it was pretty convincing. Anyway I’m just bored and thinking of trying something new and different.
Keel it as you are gorgeous 😍
WandererTony · 56-60, M
You look great the way you are!
mindless · M
Have you considered purple yet?
DViper97 · 46-50, M
I love it the way it is!
I would always advocate keeping it natural (which I assume is also healthier for hair), but you should pick whichever color makes you happy ... does having it already naturally light make it easier to dye it one color over the other color, or is it the same either way?

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