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In my little corner of the world

As difficult as the year 2020 was.... I sort of miss it and I think it was a good year regardless.

It was so freaking stressful especially that I was pursing a stupid crazy plan to be able to immigrate without creating much drama... This plan killed me inside, it was just too many lies that i couldn't take.

But... It is the year I cleared my English exam, and suddenly it all became real after that... Because two days after I cleared it, I received the invitation, and submitted my first immigration application, and waited, and followed progress, and then I got approved and submitted the second ultimate application... and I just saw my dream getting real.. I miss those days, as sad and stressful as they were, because I was sitting in my dark room alone most of the time.. While hearing my family outside, which made me feel a thousand times stranger..

But they were also exciting days... I remember following the progress and getting goosebumps any time I received updates and emails... The year from beginning to end was just filled with a lot of progress, which scared the hell outta me because I knew soon I will make the tough difficult choice, but this fear still couldn't take my excitement away! There are dates and days in that year that I won't forget, neither would I forget the feelings I felt back then ..

And I think.. there is something that I am good at.. which is wrapping myself with my own company (if that makes sense linguistically), maybe I would even say hugging myself... Because regardless of how difficult that year was, I still could make good memories out of nothing.. I remember watching Gilmore Girls during those Ramadan lonely nights while eating my favourite foods, and posting silly stuff on here and having a laugh with everyone, and also posting about immigration...

Those were actually good times I managed to enjoy regardless of all the negativity that was surrounding me.. I just locked myself in my little corner of the world, to protect myself.. And this song, is one that I listened, way too many times during that period.

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Degbeme · 70-79, M
I`d be up to keeping you in the corner. 🤭
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Degbeme Potato is coming to your corner of the world and you better watch yourself 🥔😡
Degbeme · 70-79, M
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Degbeme Stay tight, it is happening fairly soon🥔😚
Lilnonames · F
[image/video deleted]
BittersweetPotato · 31-35, F
@Lilnonames Potato looks funny when she dances🥔🥴

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