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Today was a good day!

So I was sitting there last night just futzing around doing nothing and then I thought "Hey, I hadn't been billed yet for planet fitness" So I decided to go and check my bank account nope the charges were not there then I went to the app and then I got surprised because it showed I was behind.

What had happened was 3 weeks earlier I had had a security breach on my card, well the bank actually had a security breach, so they replaced a lot of cards and also changed over everything. So I saw that I was short on the bills. So instead of hiding like I normally would have I went to planet fitness and I explained my problem.

I told them that if I could pay for this month $10.85 I would come in the last Wednesday of the month, and pay the back fees and the yearly fees even though in July I will be canceling the membership. I am moving as to why, the clerk agreed to it and she was very helpful so I'm okay until the 28th and then I got to pay everything else and that's only like about $55 not a big deal but still I forgot all about it.

So this is a lesson to everybody if you fall behind or make a mistake go and admit it be ready to pay or at least discuss and see if you both can mutually come to an agreement I did and everything's fine!

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