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Yep I am a teenager so that means longer curfews!

Get to stay up later and do what I want! Just turned 13 two weeks ago but my parents said I am still a kid and I don’t get to do whatever I want and I still have to do what they say. Ugh parents. Love them but annoying. Anyways I get to watch PG-13 movies now. Hell yeah!
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Casheyane · 31-35, F
Enjoy it. But don't be too in a hurry to grow up. Being a teen means more opportunities and more things to try. Many would try to influence you. Don't lose yourself following or pleasing a crowd.

You can be a grown up while still being respectful and appreciative to people who love you. You can enjoy being a teen, finding the kind of person you want to be. But if it changes at some point, let it. You can restart whenever. It's okay.

I didn't understand it back then. But one day I did. And one day you would too.
Life is a gift. Time is a gift. Treasure it. Because you really won't be a kid forever. And then you'll understand that things have to happen for a child to really call herself an adult.
Xaoisverygay · 13-15, T
Hiii. Welcome to the club.
period You’ll luv 13
@ilovestars17 i just realized this was from a year ago
Congratulations on turning 13 and welcome to the hell of being a teenager

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