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Lots of people who come hate on you here, ain't there? Seems a bit strange to hate people you never met?

Just, because someone post something you do not agree with, particularly, why jump all over them?
If you think them a judgmental ass why not save yourself the headache and ignore?
I am asking for a friend. :P
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@MalteseFalconPunch: We all get pushed,I guess. But people who come on to bully you into submission really need to get a life.
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I wouldn't know. I barely get noticed enough to be hated at all.
Perhaps that works for you? I merely express and opinion and people go nuts
That's because you're female. They tend to get disproportionate amounts of attention on here
@Kiwi-Dan: I would rather not have that type of attention, honestly
Unhappy peeps don't like others to be happy.
That sounds like a good theory
I hate this post. I hate you.

lol just kidding I don't know why either. I also don't understand why some go on posts and just say nasty things. Isn't it exhausting to be angry all the time?
Pity, might cry. :P

I don't either, sure they are strong opinions and sure people are not going to agree, but to assume it is a personal attack is a bit weird.
Serenitree · F
Tell your friend to ignore the jerks and just talk to the ones who can communicate in a civil manner. Even a heated discussion can be civil.

Jan. 14/27
3:59 am
Serenitree · F
@Gingerwithasoul: that's why I said it's hard to explain. Not everyone realizes it. They just feel a rise in blood pressure and an adrenalin rush. Many would never admit even to themselves that you've touched on something they don't want to acknowledge. They just feel attacked, without knowing why you're attacking them. You're not, but it feels like that to those of us who bury our shameful secrets and try to forget we have them.

Jan. 14/17
4:22 am
@Serenitree: I can understand that.
Serenitree · F
@Gingerwithasoul: 😊
ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
Im hated by everyone lol. Oh well. Fuggg em. No grease
I do have strong opinions and I do express, it seems people cannot accept that I am not aiming them in their direction...I mean I don't know these people? I am not asking them to agree.
ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
@Gingerwithasoul: if they dont impact and improve your real life. Learn to tell them to suck a goats ass 😊
@ReaperofTime: That is original, anyway. :)
Madhatter · 31-35, M
Life is frustrating, but we often can't attack what bothers us offline. You can't call your boss an asshole, can't punch the idiot who cut you off in traffic, so we hold in all that hate until we can get home, then unleash it here. We pour it all out now so we can wake up fresh in the morning. :)
A bit wierd to attack someone for an opinion? Oh, well the internet
Madhatter · 31-35, M
@Gingerwithasoul: It's just misplaced aggression.
@Madhatter: Perhaps some guilt thrown in? If you don't agree with my opinion that is fine but to assume someone is attacking you or your whole way of life, seems a bit deranged in my view.
I despise racists. So if someone makes a racist comment, I won't necessarily be polite. Nor do they deserve it.
I am not talking racism, but I understand I do not like assy behavior myself. Racism is hate and not something I tolerate.
Some like to bitch and complain for kicks.
I guess so, I do 'bitch' a bit myself, (just for venting purposes, not kicks)but to take a generic post that express an opinion and make it personal seems a bit deranged.
@Gingerwithasoul: On a social media site, you have to accept the good with the bad. Try not to take things personal as most users, spewing vitriol, are just venting. Block the more anal-retentive psychos.
@Maverick1962: I don't think I am taking it personally, just trying to figure out why people would act that way? Perhaps you analogy is spot on.

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