To the powers that be
I don't like being singled out. it has happened to me my entire life because i am a nice person .This is what you sent to me and a fellow SWer.
Our system has detected that this conversation may contain hostile language, insults, or attacks. If this is the case, we strongly recommend refraining from adding a reply. Otherwise, you may ignore this message. Instead of replying, consider blocking the user from contacting you. You can also use the "Report Abuse" button on the user's message or report the matter to local authorities if necessary. Please note that engaging in an argument may result in account penalties for all users involved, including yourself, if you contribute to the argument.
your system picked up on people using capital letters to emphasize opinions...nothing more. and i am certain that your system had nothing to do with it. some rando thought their was going to be a heated discussion...which it wasn't ...and didn't care for it.
the end
Our system has detected that this conversation may contain hostile language, insults, or attacks. If this is the case, we strongly recommend refraining from adding a reply. Otherwise, you may ignore this message. Instead of replying, consider blocking the user from contacting you. You can also use the "Report Abuse" button on the user's message or report the matter to local authorities if necessary. Please note that engaging in an argument may result in account penalties for all users involved, including yourself, if you contribute to the argument.
your system picked up on people using capital letters to emphasize opinions...nothing more. and i am certain that your system had nothing to do with it. some rando thought their was going to be a heated discussion...which it wasn't ...and didn't care for it.
the end