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GodQueenSona · F
That's just incorrect otherwise there would be no psychological differences or disorders.
gagan1999 · 31-35, M
@GodQueenSona every mind suffer, feel bad emotions but some people are sensitive to emotions, that's why they take antidepressants... But some people get physically ill due to bad emotions...
GodQueenSona · F
@gagan1999 emotional sensitivity is not why people take antidepressants. And even if it was that's a massive psychological difference. The same with getting physically ill, but I wouldn't say that has to do with "bad emotions" and to water it down to that trivializes their experiences.
gagan1999 · 31-35, M
@GodQueenSona you are thinking scientifically not spiritually... And science can never explain how human mind and body works...
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Disagree. But I think everyone is going through their own lessons and karmic BS for reasons that make sense when you're dead.