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got a whole stack of albums from my parents...just wondering if there's any value to them...

....in the middle of moving so i wonder if i should junk them or keep them? never mind the cat or canucks penant...lol
Umile · 41-45, F
Those things gotta be worth something.

Especially if they're in good condition.

Tom Jones. That womanizer. 😏
Don’t junk them …find them a good home if you don’t want them.

You can’t junk Pontypridds finest. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😀
Don't let Newman and Kramer know where you keep them...

AlittleBitGenX · 46-50, F
He/she is helping!
Sapio · 51-55, M
I'd keep them.
Lilymoon · F
Keep them!!!
MellyMel22 · F
I would think they are. Find someone who can really tell you. Maybe google a few and get an idea before you bring them somewhere.
Keep them, heirloom value is priceless.
@beermeplease It passed the point of no return decades ago.
@NativePortlander1970 then consider me your brother....brother
@beermeplease I consider it an Honor Brother, because I wasn't born what my mother was so obsessed about both of my older brothers picked up on her attitude towards me and my Dad tried so hard to protect me from it. I have a photo where I'm about nine or ten months old, my Dad is holding my brothers close to him in his arms on his lap, my mother is holding me at arms length on her knees facing me away from her, my Dad has a shit eating grin on his face, while she's scowling. My Grandfather took the photo but told my Dad the photo didn't turn out, it must have over exposed with a bright strobe, that the negative was washed out. When I got back to the Portland area in 1988 when I was 18 the first thing my Grandfather gave me was that photo saying I needed to hear the truth, and also told me that in 1986 when my mother threw me into foster care when I was 16, choosing her second husband over me, I asked for a home study on my Grandparents, being of age to be able to pick my own guardians as long as they passed state interviews and inspections, my caseworker told me they didn't pass, when I got back to Portland my grandmother showed me their paperwork, they did pass after all, my mother that even though she put me into the system she still had somewhat control over me with her older sister having connections through her bosses legal firm and her church, my aunt was a paralegal, and with the Lutheran Brotherhood organization that pretty much ran the foster and group homes in iowa. I did not speak to my mother for almost two years.

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