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Has anyone else noticed a lot of new users on sw pop up lately

But who're trying to either sell something or link to another platform?

A lot of, "hi, check out my profile on the other website" type of posts lately

Isn't it that against the TOS? Because it's considered spamming etc?
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I saw only one, selling shirts. I believe it is against tos.

Most new users now seem genuine, to me anyway
Lilnonames · F
@caPnAhab most to me seem like bots. All new users just pop up with a full profile and post but very few now say hello im new here. The others use the site like they been here for years
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@Lilnonames honestly, I would've been more suspicious if the profiles weren't filled out so much, like they used to be.

But Vent having just shut down gives me reason to believe real people are coming from somewhere...
Lilnonames · F
@caPnAhab iorbix nunos other site that's closing
LucyFuhr · 56-60, F
Okay so... last time I was on, a "NEW" member shows up in the middle of the night looking for fans. One of the OGs tries to tell her she can't do that here, new girl says she can, and she has and there are other "heaux" doin' that here too 😂

I also see at least one "donate to my bla bla bla fund in exchange for..." every time I've been back too. Those ones seem a little more experienced though... they're usually smart enough to put the $$$ details in comments rather than the post 🤣

Rumor has it... there are some very generous "suckers" on this site.
Fishy · 36-40, F

Rumor has it... there are some very generous "suckers" on this site

I'ma need bout tree fiddy 🦕
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I haven't seen any of this except the guy selling a Tshirt but his post will be removed any sec.
DDonde · 31-35, M
It is, yeah. I report those when I see it.

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