@JesseInTX even so, it can take a while to get settled into a forum. Learning who's who, making a name for yourself and all that. I mean honestly though who remembers names unless they've seen the person several times?
@Elessar wish they did more with the awards. Say like helpful poster.
Also not hide it. I do understand why hiding some of those "awards" yet not all of them. Like number of group awards or number of posts or number of replies.
A group creator moderator badge would be nice. That would indicate a long time user since there is a minimum "reputation" factor on group creation.
Every few years, I remember SW exists and poke around. I feel like a new user, but I'm not. It's really just like trying on old pants that kinda fit and trying to decide if I like them enough to add to the regular rotation. There should be a badge or label for that.
The admin stepped up for them telling us to give them a chance , basically vetting them; and yet I have had to block and report a few of them. The lessons of EP will never be forgotten. 😉
@TexChik If they start up telling long drawn-out stories to elicit sympathy on their very first post it is a red flag to me. There are sadists that do that, as a I was warned on EP within a couple weeks of joining EP. They love to mess with compassionate people and embroil them in their sick game.
Hmm well then i guess ill git saddle bridle an crop....an git ready to spend day tamin ya ....sounds fun if ya got the time....heh heh.....puts cowboy hat on ....
@Punches A new user is provided with a unique user ID (a number); if you just change your profile name, that ID number will remain the same; I don't know how "alt" accounts coming from the same user are handled.
@Snuffy1957 Easy: when I realize there's a new user, I will welcome her or him aboard the mothership, and usually I'll give them one of my precious welcome tulips. 🌷 <== my personal, unique welcome tulip
Of course most will call them fakes or alts, typical typical. I think it's something Amin are trying to do to draw in more members. Either from others sites or some other scenario
@SW-User trying to draw people in from other sites. Ironic hipster enough though, only fans seems to be using this page to try to draw members to their site
@Pinkstarburst It's a green "NEW" badge which you can see in every new user profile. I was really pleasantly surprised to see how many new passengers a on board the mothership! 👍