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OliverM · 22-25, M
Thoughts and prayers.
OliverM · 22-25, M
@AmmieBell 🤺
AmmieBell · 18-21, F
@OliverM 🧚‍♀️ Magic wang beats sword 😎
OliverM · 22-25, M
@AmmieBell Darn.

Theres just a few people who constantly post political crap.. if you mute them you wont see it anymore 😅
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@ammiebell] i can imagine somebody of your age having no really interest in the topic.there are some good comments but i agree american politics is rather a hot topic and can become offensive .think your best option is just simply skip over it as i cannot see it ever being removed despite the controversy it causes from time to time
HeidiA · 41-45, F
People don’t label their posts properly so even if you block the groups the crap still trickles through
AmmieBell · 18-21, F
@HeidiA I want the button to block key words lol. Biden, Trump, election, votes, liberals...

The issue comes in with words like 'rigged' and 'cheeto'. Because if you rigged your TV to play DIsney music whenever it turns on, I wanna see that. But I don't wanna hear about a rigged election.
And if you ate an entire bag of hot cheetos in 2 minutes, I definitely wanna see that post. But not Donald Trump's face, misplaced under food lol.
JakeeB · M
I guess family-safe content just blocks out cuss words, not propaganda lol.
AmmieBell · 18-21, F
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
I thought that was against the law.
AmmieBell · 18-21, F
@FloorGenAdm Guess I'm a criminal 😎
End orwells 1984, & we can thrive again, MAGA

Lucyy · 22-25, F
@checkoutanytime Not disgusted by them, just not online for frequent conversation about them. We all deal with them essentially constantly in day to day life. I come online to get away from all that lol.
@Lucyy you are a kid with no life experience, of course you think communist are your friends 🙄
Lucyy · 22-25, F
@checkoutanytime Yah, because that's what I said 🙄
So again, please respect that. I don't want to waste a block. Have a nice day
AmmieBell · 18-21, F
@Lucyy New thread so we don't bother him with random words [sep]😂
Make All Giraffes Atheists 👀
AmmieBell · 18-21, F
@Lucyy I tried to post an American flag emoji, and it just said 'US' with no flag when I posted it lol. Me thinks SW has a political agenda.
Lucyy · 22-25, F
@AmmieBell How do you block the entire site??? 😳
AmmieBell · 18-21, F
@Lucyy Sheer mental willpower.
Sheesh, back in 2000, we had newsgroups, forums, one could pick any topic they felt.... now what we have left is a page where admins say it all has to happen on the main feed. That's progress. In 2050, all thought will just be disenfranchised, ridiculed, you are on your own.
Freeranger · M
Be careful what you wish for. If you start blocking that, then everything else follows which others may not like.
I understand what you're saying, but this is what free speech about. We may not like what's being said, but we must uphold the right to say it.
AmmieBell · 18-21, F
@Freeranger I didn't say they don't have a right to say it, I said I should have a right to not see it if I don't want to. it's the same concept as being allowed to censor content based on adult, slightly adult, or family-friendly on here. you can censor out the things that you don't particularly care about. A right to Free Speech just means that you can't be arrested for saying something, it doesn't mean that others don't have a right to not listen to it lol. Just like with the other content you can censor out on here based on maturity, you could always go and turn it back on if there's a button to do so. It just becomes your choice and your feed isn't constantly overwhelmed with a bunch of people posting about the same thing over and over and over and over again, talking over topics that I actually care about and follow on here. I would even settle for a insert where you can just type in certain keywords that you would like to be blocked from your feed so you no longer see them.
Whodunnit · M
If only 😕
Abwiee · 22-25, F
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Would be a serious quality of life improvement to the site to allow you to block keywords because -good lord- even I need a break.
Josh1454 · M
Imagine you had to choose. Either highly political or highly sexual. But not both.
@Josh1454 That would be an easy enough choice for me.
I definitely don't want to debate or have conflict here. Political talk is not my forte
ProfessorPlum77 · 70-79, MVIP
Block political content?
I cannot comprehend such a suggestion.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
By 2050 the Internet will be long gone.
Japrost · 41-45, M
Especially biden crap
candycane · 31-35, F
U have met your limit please wait a few moments and you can block again
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Lucyy · 22-25, F
@SW-User I remember trying to mute the political groups hoping that would work lol. But then you get conservatives sharing fake numbers endlessly about Biden under some abstract group they find ironic, or liberals posting pics of Trump under 'food', showing him beside a Cheeto with empty complaints. Its hard to cut out political stuff on here lolll. I wish they would make some kind of system that would detect blatant propaganda or politics and add a marker to that post, the way they add 'sensitive' markers lol
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