NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Beyond caring at this point. People love bringing up EP here. Move on with your lives peeps.
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
I still like talking about it though
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Trust me, you're in great company.
FallenOptimist22 · M
I already know about that murder story
But how can they shut down a site for that??
Tons of crimes have happened through fb etc too
But how can they shut down a site for that??
Tons of crimes have happened through fb etc too
View 13 more replies »
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
@Serenitree: then why are you arguing that I'm wrong. Since your saying that no one truly knows the truth, then for all you know I could be right
FallenOptimist22 · M
@PaulMcCartney: the point is,we all can only guess or hypothesise
No one can claim to be 100% sure
No one can claim to be 100% sure
Serenitree · F
@FallenOptimist22: that's right. The only thing I am sure of, is that EP started failing at least two years before they closed their doors. And all I have to go on, is the fact that the members started running the site. Trying to get admin or a moderator was useless. They were busy fighting some kind of legal battle. What that was, I don't know, but I'm quite sure it had nothing to do with a pair of very disturbed individuals.
Dec. 5/16
4:02. Am
Dec. 5/16
4:02. Am

Because of a murder that happened between two users. and they were being subpoenaed for info on the site. They did not feel they could keep our anonymity safe anymore.

@pinkrainbowkisses: It wasn' was about the keeping us anonymous. :) But honestly, they needed to close....they lost control of it to the trolls. :/
@DixieChick: Ehhh I still think there's more to the story.. but regardless I was not a fan of ep anyway so I didn't care if they closed down or not lol.

@pinkrainbowkisses: It matters very little to me either. If they were going to let trolls and harassers run the site, then I am glad it was shut down...and that is what they did. :/
They forgot to pay their light bill.💡
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
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Serenitree · F
@sarcastrophe: those two met for that reason. They had it planned. She wanted to die. He said okay. You don't think everyone here is looking for someone to kill do you. She not only wanted to die, she left her children and travelled halfway across the country to get him to kill her.
Dec. 5/16
3:12 am
Dec. 5/16
3:12 am
disasterpiece · F
@Serenitree: that story is so weird and creepy
Serenitree · F
@sarcastrophe: yes it is. And as the man's wife said, there is surely a lot more to this story. EP wasn't ever implicated as having done anything inappropriate regarding that case.
Dec. 5/16
3:26 am
Dec. 5/16
3:26 am
ExploreroftheUnknown · 26-30, M
Serenitree · F
If that killing was a big enough reason to shut down EP, Jenny Jones would have lost her talk show and been charged as a responsible party to the murder that happened as a direct result of a show she did. An unstable man was humiliated on her show, because she didn't disclose the truth about the day's topic. So he killed the man who humiliated him.
Dec. 5/16
3:20 am
Dec. 5/16
3:20 am
bijouxbroussard · F
@Serenitree: I remember that show, and if memory serves the fallout did make her untouchable for awhile.
Serenitree · F
@PaulMcCartney: I'm not angry. I'm trying to get you to see that you are spreading information based on speculation and claiming it is fact.
The story I shared is much more relevant than the story about a woman who wanted to die and a man she met so he could kill her, with her consent.
EP wasn't guilty of anything. Jenny Jones was guilty of withholding information that the guest on her show had a right to know. Yet, she was charged with no wrong doing because what happened didn't happen because she did something wrong. It happened because she failed to inform him.
That's the relevancy. You want this to be a sensational cause and effect. It isn't.
May I ask, how long you were a member at EP?
Dec. 5/16
3:51 am
The story I shared is much more relevant than the story about a woman who wanted to die and a man she met so he could kill her, with her consent.
EP wasn't guilty of anything. Jenny Jones was guilty of withholding information that the guest on her show had a right to know. Yet, she was charged with no wrong doing because what happened didn't happen because she did something wrong. It happened because she failed to inform him.
That's the relevancy. You want this to be a sensational cause and effect. It isn't.
May I ask, how long you were a member at EP?
Dec. 5/16
3:51 am
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
@Serenitree: the only reason why I stand with my opinion is because someone who owns part of EP told me but I can't seem to find our dialog. I was in EP for about 3 or 2 years

Don't know, it's gone so doesn't matter. You can state your opinion though.
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
Its not an opinion. Its true
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
what is it then
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@PaulMcCartney: really?
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
@Ultimatewedgiegodess: you can see for yourself
DarthMalia · 26-30, F
@PaulMcCartney: oh wow
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PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
Well they weren't going to go around and tell everyone because it was supposed to be a secret
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PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
@Sej1976uk: it got out somehow but someone who says that he owns part of EP now told me and someone else confirmed it
JupiterDreams · 31-35
I've heard several rumors... :/
PaulMcCartney · 26-30, F
Which ones have you heard about?