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🔃 A Slight Update to Feeds ⌚

Hello all!

We've just released a minor update to the Main Posts Feeds, which should help to fix the issue of the feed remaining fairly stagnant for some time, for numerous users.

The update more specifically relates to cases of:

Re-visiting the feed, after some time away (e.g., 1-3 hours),
yet still seeing some of the same posts, near the top of the feed, that you previously saw hours ago.

This change does not greatly affect visits back and forth to the feed, in very short periods of time.
Most users seem to not prefer having the feed "Shuffle" immediately between near successive visits, as this can be confusing and overwhelming to many.

We have a lot more improvements planned, for the feeds, and for other features that users have given us feedback on.

Kind regards!
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I already see a great improvement
marsbar · F
You guys are awesome! Thank you!
How do you know that
Most users seem to not prefer having the feed "Shuffle" immediately between near successive visits, as this can be confusing and overwhelming to many.

Ive never seen one user mention this .
And if posts were consecutive in time posted , it wouldn't need be an issue.

If we respond to a post , we usually get notified of replies to it , and its easy to find in our notifications .
If we dont respond to a post , we are usually not interested in it .

Its why we want to see more of the feed...like we used to .

Its the stagnacy of it that is the recent problem.

What we need to know is how to get round the constrictions of the new feed algorythm.

Do we join more groups?
Register more interests in our profile settings?
What can we do to get the breadth of our old feed back ?

I really do hope you are working on improving the feed, I know we'd all appreciate it.

@Andrew i understand the new feed algoryrhm is an attempt to reduce conflict between users .

And i get its hard to please everybody.

Does the new algorythm not allow a choice between a filtered feed, and an unfiltered feed in the way it works ?
I get many appreciate being able to personalise their feed. Its just that many also appreciate not having a flitered feed.
Its a shame we cant have both.

I do have a question though:
What is meant by 'relevant'?
How is that determined?
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Some users prefer to have their content only seen by those who are "Relevant" (or in the same group).
Are there user polls I've never seen? Some users, many very vocal these days, don't care who their content is displayed to, but rather do care what is [not] being displayed to themselves.
Why are we catering to 'some' non vocal users.
@Andrew ummm, ive thought about what you said, and i have a worry .
Take the religious context you mentioned...
....if groups such as "i dislike religion" are in the same main category as "Christianity" (and others) , doesnt this then cause conflict ?

If relevence is related to groups in some way , my worry is ....it could feasibly connect opposites, rather than disconnect them.

Maybe i understand it wrong .
Andromedanian · 26-30, M
TY for helping improve the platform, you da man
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
This is a huge QoL upgrade, thanks!
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Glad to read, thanks. I sincerely hope you aren't shadow banning conservative content and or posts, that would just be totally anti-freedom of speech.

Thanks for always making improvements..
Andrew · Admin
We don't "shadow ban" / restrict Conservative or Liberal content and viewpoints.
We don't moderate content with any political bias.
TexChik · F
@Andrew Awesome
eyeno · M

btchstfu · F
can yall stop giving me notifications about groups i joined have been merged into other groups. i literally dont care plus it gives me hope seeing i have 8 notifications but it turns out just that
AmericanBroad · 31-35, F
Great, now I’m wet
I commend you Andrew for the work you are doing to make this site better, Thank you much
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
I thought it was because of the “friends only” posting.
Including feedback on a purely chronological feed with posts from all users? In case you missed it Sir Andrew, I'm repeating 😌 Thanks for trying to improve things
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Thank you 💖
Dusty101 · F
I never see changes to feeds, must be the bluntest too in the box! 🤣
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
I thank you, sir.
Tminus6453 · M
Also fix so i can see EVERYONES post, some post of people i like i havent seen in weeks because that person just disappears all of a sudden then magically comes back after a few weeks.... the feeds are/were a complete mess
Do you make fun of your users at meetings?
McGeeisme · 61-69, M
Are we done with the annoying consolidations? I hope.

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