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It was just beginning when i got here .. There was no inboxes and no replies to replies yet.. There was tmi everwere and you wanted to say to people "get a room" but there wasnt any 😂
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TightyWhiteyStoner · 26-30, M
@SStarfish I suggested that to them they need to make private group posting not make them publicly
@TightyWhiteyStoner no way i dont want crerp pervs lurking privately posting gross shit amongst themselves out of sight.. At least we can see they creeps where they are.. But i wish more was being done to stop them.. Not conceal them more.. Remove them completely. Ugh 😳😒
NerdyPotato · M
@SStarfish I believe that is part of the group restructuring plan.
NerdyPotato · M
That's what it is for most users when they just arrive. For me it felt pretty much at home, but I was already used to EP of course.
@NerdyPotato I still remember the unblurred dick pics I used to get in my inbox - that was traumatising for someone who wasn't used to getting random dick pictures as an ice breaker.
NerdyPotato · M
@HootyTheNightOwl 🤦♂️ that area has also improved a lot with the blurring and not being able to send photos before you get a reply.
@NerdyPotato Yeah... they stopped you sending links until you get a reply, too, so I'm guessing that porn used to be another problem that I was mercifully saved from having to experience.
When I first came here, I was in a major depression having just been abandoned by a former "dom" so I don't remember much beyond the experiences that were majorly shocking to me.
SammyJo · 51-55, F
Nice to get back in touch with old friends....and then everyone else was very welcoming and lovely....and some VERY dodgy PM's....
...But, I came back didn't I?
SJD xx
...But, I came back didn't I?
SJD xx
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Not that overwhelming
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 31-35, F
Several older men trying to flirt & send dick pics to my teen virgin self. I nearly left but then I met several people who were struggling silently like I was on their lives & they made me want to stay & escape into the void of the website.
( that was experience project actually)
( that was experience project actually)