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IntelligentSWer · 100+, F
@SW-User I did nothing wrong. What do you have against the truth of our world? If she has FASD, maybe there is something wrong with her mother for putting her in media like that and drinking whilst pregnant. One picture speaks more than a thousand words.
revenant · F
@IntelligentSWer many people saw that she has FAS, Her sister is also full of mental problems
@IntelligentSWer That meme has been discredited and was just started by Milo Yiannopoulos of 4chan. The National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has branded the meme ‘blatantly insulting, outrageously ignorant, and deeply offensive’.

Also, if you want to continue down this route then Ben Shapiro, the right-wing nutjob, can also be said to have it.

I'm sorry but if it wasn't for her, climate change would still be way down the agenda. She has mobilised the youth of this planet and we now have a fighting chance of saving the planet.

You may think she is shouting, but it's the only way that politicians might listen; they certainly weren't before.
@SW-User I see .
@TiffAching 😁. Smart
@TiffAching I'm afraid you're right.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I think she's doing a good thing. Fuck the people who pick on her because of her age and because she's autistic. She's telling the truth.
@basilfawlty89 why would they do that ?
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@SW-User because people don't like hearing the facts and because people ate prejudiced against neurodivergent and mentally ill people. I'm mentally ill and I'm tired. I'm tired of being treated as if I'm some social pariah.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
She's bringing something to public attention that we all know we should have done better with by now.

And that's never pleasant to hear because it highlights just how useless we are at doing it; how corruptable our elected Politicians have been in taking business money to ensure they're not legislating to stop it and the fact that we're not as mad about it as we should be.
@Picklebobble2 Agreed, sadly. The people who need to make far-reaching decisions generally don't give a shit unless something happens to them personally.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@SW-User EXACTLY Which is why i'm hoping and praying that some high-ranking Politician or Media celeb or 'icon of our age' drops dead with Coronovirus.

Not because i'm a spiteful or evil b@$t@rd. But becaue it's the only way those in charge of THAT fiasco might finally start to treat IT and the rest of US with a bit more respect !
@Picklebobble2 I'm kind of hoping that a hurricane destroys a few of Trump's precious golf courses.
On one hand I think she's an abused child, on the other she's effing obnoxious.
Also she's 17 but I bet her carbon footprint is a shitload higher than mine with all the travelling she does.
@SensitiveCha0s Oh sweet, the guy blocked me.
@SensitiveCha0s Apparently, even English people who disagree with the groupthink.
@FairyGirlGemma coward. That’s what he is.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
That aggression is 100% necessary to get shit DONE. A weak passive little voice does nothing.
I don't know much about her really. But I know she has the best interests of the world at heart.
It’s because she speaks up that people listen. She’s not “aggressive” but assertive which is a good and necessary thing.
Girls and women should be applauded for this, not criticised and stifled.
Ian123 · 61-69, M
She’s ok, and at least she’s trying to save the planet 👍
Ian123 · 61-69, M
@RightSaidFred Not True, she has achieved more publicity than any one before. Why are you against people working for the environment
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FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
@Ian123 she did an okay job for being a Globalist Puppet. whenever interesting questions come to mind...She likes to Dodge
revenant · F
she is a paid puppet
revenant · F
@SW-User 😊🤷‍♀️
@revenant The moon is made of cheese. Want evidence? Just dig into NASA. The queen is an alien reptile. Want evidence? Just dig into the royal family.

Do you see how easy it is to make a baseless claim?
revenant · F
@SW-User 😊
goliathtree · 56-60, M
prime example of manipulated and borderline abused child.
goliathtree · 56-60, M
@SW-User Come back and talk to me when your balls drop. See, not only am I a misogynist, I am an ageist too.
Perry4444 · 56-60, M
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
She's autistic, so that no doubt influences a lot of her personality features.
@DunningKruger What does that have to do with anything? She is hyper focused on the issue, which is what we all need to be.
She is fine and doing effective important work right now. She isn't doing anything wrong and she is educating us as to the catrastophe facing us if we continue to be inert on the issue of climate change.
SAandME · 56-60, M
"Just a kid" who has done more for climate change than any (so called) adult. Would rather have other kids looking up to her than say Hannah Montana, what a great roll model Miley Cyrus turned out to be, not!.
Most kids want to be admired for being cute and irresponsible and she's different, she actually has something to tell us. Not too endearing.
CM440 · 56-60, C
Young people always want to grow up as quickly as possible (I did). Her interests and OPINIONS got her into a game that was well above her level. Her thoughts would have played out more appropriately as a school essay. She had her moments of fame and I wish her well but I did not agree with her platform or her delivery.
@CM440 Only because you're afraid that what she is saying is true.
Okay let me get clear myself on one thing ,I dont think anything she is saying or questioning is wrong ,the over exploitation of earth is a fact ,the breakdown of ecological system at the hands of humans is true .I just dont like her agressiveness .
But I think it was also something that brought attention to her questions.because this topic of protecting earth is treated so irresponsibly by all nations in their race to urbanization and industrialization.
@SW-User As I said before. If it wasn't for her aggressiveness, people would still not be giving a shit about the fact that we are endangering ourselves and life on Earth. But then that's not as important as the next iphone.
@SW-User I am saying the same thing .🤪
Piper · 61-69, F
Many people have been figuratively or literally "shouting" about how human action has been negatively impacting the earth's ecosystems, for a very long time.

That slow, steady mutual cooperation has made a positive difference for a while, at times. Yet, the same sort of things are still going on every day...all around the world. Anyone wanting to get "aggressive" about the wrongness of that fact seems quite reasonable, to me. Even more so, when they are very young.
Coppercoil · M
she's being used like a puppet..
@Coppercoil Again, you have no evidence for this. My guess is that you're scared that a strong, young woman is prepared to stand there and not sugarcoat the truth about what we are doing to our planet. And about time too!
LeoWulf · 36-40, M
I hope she has plans in place to save Earth from an asteroid collision. Oh I don't want to imagine a snowball earth
@LeoWulf She doesn't; all she wants our leaders to do is to listen to the scientists. That's her only "plan"
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
[image deleted]
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
She is in Joe Biden's shoes. doesn't know what's happening around her
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Jeffrey53 · 51-55, M
I haven’t heard talk in a while

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