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How many friends do you have on here?

Just a follow up to my previous question. I dunno what to ask 😂
goliathtree · 56-60, M
a few that I consider real friends and that I would love to sit and drink beer with if they weren't so damned far away.
@goliathtree the pain's real 😐
@goliathtree we could get drunk over Skype. Lol!
goliathtree · 56-60, M
@SevenTierCrazyCake However would I let you take advantage of my drunken self over skype? That would be no fun! 😘
@SW-User There are a million possibilities.
@Looking looking at the details and individual cases, yes. But those were just the broad ones.
@SW-User Maybe I’m not as nice as I think I am.
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
tons but i only regularly privately talk to like 20ish
AllelujahHaptism · 36-40, M
I'd say one for sure
I think the other person I ' get on' with is just being polite though :/
SheDevil · 26-30, F
I’m a great friend btw..just saying 😄
SheDevil · 26-30, F
@SW-User only one way to find out I guess. I’ve been called a witch before ☺️
@SheDevil cast your spell!
SheDevil · 26-30, F
@SW-User ✨Sim sala my friend now✨
None. I thought I had a friend here but she left a month ago without telling me so fuck her.
None yet, hopefully find some soon tho
@kayleebunny good luck out there 😊
@SW-User lol thanks!
SheDevil · 26-30, F
I think four or something...I don’t really count them 😅 few but close friends
xixgun · M
More than I ever had in real life
@xixgun wow! That's good!
xixgun · M
@SW-User or sad, depending how you look at it
Real true friends?
Less than 10
@SW-User you have real true friends on here!? Dope.
What's less than zero?
@SW-User all the negative numbers till minus infinity? Still though, that isn't possible here.
Ferric67 · M
Not a single one
@Ferric67 cheers!
@Dewms I agree.
Coisty · 51-55, M
A handful.

That's enough.
PerfectIllusion · 41-45, F
Maybe 5? 🤷‍♀️
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@SW-User i miss my mom
@TryingtoLava awhh. Wanna tell what happened?
@SW-User its okay <3 thank you thou

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