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Difference between EP & SW?

FreestyleArt · 31-35, M Best Comment
I think the APP ruin EP. It was better
@FreestyleArt ohhh yeah... True
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@FreestyleArt agreed.

CountScrofula · 41-45, M
SW Pros:

- Better moderation
- Better site experience with a ton of quality of life features
- At least some measures to prevent sexual harassment
- "Small town" feel I quite like

EP pros:

- It was far far bigger and so just a lot more content in Q&A and stories
- Custom story groups
- Phone app

SW Cons:

- Small size means the site content can get samey
- Moderation is still insufficient
- Run by a handful of people which means development is slow and constant concerns about future of the site

EP Cons:

- The flood of minors on the site from the app meant a LOT of creeps going after minors and rampant sexual harassment. Almost everyone I know who was a minor on EP had someone trying to groom them.

- Moderation was almost nonexistent in the later years so there was a ton of awful shit posted

- Lack of some basic quality of life features like embedding photos and shit like that

Balance - SW is better.
@SW-User SW has its own app for Androids
@SW-User Add to home screen 😒
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
@CountScrofula dang. Now I don't even need to type.

I'll add
EP pros of the Anon Confession section and blogs.

SW pro is their VIP actually has some benefits that make it worth subscribing for some people. I think EP had less paid membership because they didn't make it worth it.
SW has more disgusting trolls. EP had Billy Madison, but even he treated me like a decent human being. 😂
@SW-User sadly you're right
@SW-User I'm sorry 😔
@SW-User 🤗
About 10 million users
@SW-User Rip EP 😔
No confessions section 🙁
@Whiterosesociety it was my favorite playground
@BettyBeez To be honest I simply forgot about that
@SW-User i only remember when I run into a question that is so long, it should be a novel
Honestly I miss the confessions. Lotta juicy reads there I’ll tell ya 👀👀
@SW-User oh yeah. I totally forgot about those
EP was the platform getting ready for a billion dollar IPO, but failed

SW is the 19 cent platform the creators should be proud of, because it is a success
@questionWeaver it is better..I say that guardedly..more international focus..
Unlimited Blocks
We could mute groups"
We could create groups
Top 9 friends always shown
Last time online shown
Favorites Tab
Library Tab
Dreams section
Dream interpretation nation section
Blog-they could be public or private
Mood Music
Free themes to place as our header and top page.
Greeting Cards
Gestures-the old ones
The ability so mass send a message-and gift- to all friends at one cost.
Story and Message headers- (until 2013)
We could not like posts-and not like comments.(until 2013)
Caption of the Day
Question of the Day
Better interface
More members
Until the 2012 metoo app it was a very supportive place where intimacy could be found- not find either here.
Front page featured popular stories and drew mew members in.
Better personal status section on our homepage.
Customization and layout of our homepage was better.
Better info on story page-here is one of mine as it appears on EP..
See how different the right hand side info is? Ot makes you want to nagigate to other posts.

Use a PC--

The story page of a group-this one created by me (and that is shown) as is also here! It's much better. Top rated. Most popular. Most recent-as well as showing us who is online that is IN THAT GROUP! Or at least a sampling of members.

There are a lot more but that is enough. SW has a LONG WAY to go.
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
@Elandra77 Alright, Zuckerberg 😏
@Elandra77 lol u have list😅😂
@SW-User A shortened one at that!
There really isn't except the people can be nastier here since it's such a smaller community
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Better class of pervert on ep!
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
@Harriet03 more bearable or more intense?
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@SW-User 🙄
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@scooogy Bearable (just)!
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@IstillmissEP Holy😳?
comicdeath · 22-25, F
Kinda miss EP
@comicdeath we all
The amount of least that seems to be the most noticeable...
@SW-User Useless
EPAllie is dead here...
Pfuzylogic · M
EP had a chill.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Very close, sw was built copying sw with what they considered improvements. There was also more interaction in groups where here most of the interaction happens in the main feed.
Numberz · F
Party vs funeral
@Numberz 😂🤣
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
I can't remember groups in EP
@BlueRain exactly
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