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oldmojo · 61-69, M
Neither, she’s her own self with slight autism doing what she thinks is right

FunReader55 · 51-55, M
I think that her parents really suck. She’s on the spectrum and they used false information, driven by political agenda, to scare the crap out of this poor girl! They convinced her the world would end by now and she believed them! They then used her to give that ridiculous rant. I felt bad for her the other day when I saw she removed the world ending deadlines she forewarned from her tik Tok acct. she was used and abused by a bunch of garbage adults who are sick! Hopefully she gets around some better adults!
milkymum1 · 31-35, F
She's got more balls than a lot of men who are ment to be running our countries, she has made lots of polictions look very stupid.
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Greta is a plucky kid no doubt, time will tell if she’s another Malala.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Worries me when i see stuff like this.
A youngster takes up a cause and captures the zeitgeist of the time.

So doubtless she's courted by the worlds media because the column inches are a hell of a lot more 'positive' than having Trump or the E:U or.....Zimbabwe's troubles on the front pages endlessly.

But i think the governments paying lip service to her and her cause are doing so just because it takes the heat off them for a while and it's nice to be associated with something positive that even your OWN folk can't fault you for.

They'll put on a 'show' if she's 'in town' and create a 'photo-op.' but in the cold light of day i doubt they have any intention of doing anything that's likely to hinder what there is of 'the money-making machine'.
milkymum1 · 31-35, F
@Picklebobble2 That is very well put and sad to say a lot of policitions will never ever listen to children, or anyone who is talking common sense.
wetncthru · F
@milkymum1 Sadly, common sense is not so common.
milkymum1 · 31-35, F
@wetncthru not these days now!
She's a tool being used by the political left. And when she is off script, she doesn't know what to say. Once she's no longer useful to the globalists, she will vanish from the media limelight.
ninjavu · 51-55, M
Good question. The jury is still out on Greta.

But I'm starting to feel that we should just let nature take its course and let this planet turn into another Venus. At the end of the day we may not have any choice in the matter anyway. In the meantime, yet another march against climate change or for "voluntary extinction" is a pointless waste of time.
Exhibiter100000 · 61-69, M
Nobel Candidate to me. I really respect her.
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Pretzel · 61-69, M
i admire her determination but wonder where the hell she got her doctoral degree
jackson55 · M
I think her 15 minutes of fame is over.
Tracos · 51-55, M
probably both :)
Stefanv · 56-60, M
tenente · 100+, M
her 5 minutes of fame is over - time to get back to ruining the planet

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