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Are most parents/whoever never ready for kids to get older?

My older sister is so emotional. My nephew just turned 8 today and my nieces (twins will be 5 in march). She was like, "Dang! Why did my kids have to grow up?! Why can't they go back to being 4 and 1 years old! 😭😭"
I'm kind of sad too because my nieces and nephews are growing up? WHY DO KIDS HAVE TO GROW UP?!!!!! NO!!!!!!! Why do us adults hate kids growing up? Is this normal? I'm 28 with no children. My older sister is 34.
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@gingershuman Parents will never accept that were not 5 or 12 anymore. My parents won't accept it.
Cajunfirefly · 41-45, F
🙋‍♀️my oldest is about to turn 13..this momma ain't ready
@Cajunfirefly oh dear. WHY DO KIDS HAVE TO GROW UP?!!! I'LL kill myself if kids grow older. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Cajunfirefly · 41-45, F
I use to love coordinating their Halloween outfits...not once they hit the age of 8.
I have to beg them to play card games with me. They all want to do their own thing
I think the same when messing around with my nephews.
Allelse · 36-40, M
My Dad never gave a damn one way or another and my mother never wanted my sister or I to age past 3 or 4; to her that was our 'perfect age' and she spends her time fantasising about the good old days, before we started having opinions of our own.
@Allelse My parents never wanted us to pass 2. My parents especially mom was never ready for us to got a up.

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