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Where's other users comments history section? Can I hide my one?

I don't want people stalking my comments, I can see people's posts, can I see their comments? Can they see my comments?
You can turn it off under privacy settings its one of the first option itt says like "Allow users to see my replies"
Penny · 46-50, F
thats lame. whats the point in commenting if no one can see it
Penny · 46-50, F
@NerdyPotato did this hater scenario actually happen to you? or are you just afraid it might happen?
@Penny it actually happened to me multiple times, which made me hide my replies. I opened them again a few days ago though, hoping those people are gone by now.
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It's under Whiteboard -> Replies. And others can see yours by default, but you can turn that off as described by @PetalsOfLilac.
in10RjFox · M
You can go to their whiteboard in their profile and see their replies. If greyed means it's blocked.

And you can prevent others getting to your replies.
Go to their profile then whiteboard then replies.
mooncrest02 · 31-35, F
lol it can be fun sometimes when its friends🤣
Yes. You delete it.

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