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No, that doesn’t matter to me at all.
Shutterspeed · 18-21, F
@bijouxbroussard that seems to be the trend

Belladonna · 41-45, F
I don't pay attention to who is verified and who isn't. I pay attention to how they treat me.
Shutterspeed · 18-21, F
@Belladonna that makes sense
@Belladonna Same.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Belladonna Yes, alien or human dead or alive, treat me well and we'll high five!
Pfuzylogic · M
Unverified members can literally be anyone but when it comes down to it; your behavior means more to gain trust.
I am verified and prefer it.
Chickie · F
@Pfuzylogic it kills me how so many people here STILL thinks being verified is doesn't have value or think it's a catfish holding a piece of paper. At first they had your picture mandatory stuck on your profile before the admins changed it due to backlash now it's optional to show your face. Some people just like their privacy while proving that they aren't Catfishes.
engorgedudders · 41-45, F
@Chickie Preach!! Especially folks who work in sensitive fields.
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We explain well what the Picture Verification is for, in the section itself:

"Verifying your account will allow you to recover your account if you happen to lose it.
Verifying with a Public Photo can help to authenticate one's identity, for those who share images of themselves on SimilarWorlds."

There is nothing saying it is "to get access to most of the users on the site".

It's totally Optional (as explicitly tagged on the section), and it's simply for users who want to make sure they can recover the account easily in case of losing their email address, and/or to prove they are the person in the photos in their albums. No such thing as "holding most of the site hostage until you verify".
Why does SW need a current email and a current picture to verify people. Why do I need to give up personal information to get access to most of the users on the site. SW says the other users won't see that information so what is SW going to use it for.

They are holding most.of the site hostage until you verify.
@Pitchblue I've been a member of SW almost from the beginning. I was a bit late to notice it had opened it's doors.

Doesn't the site say Verify to unlock all features? So are you withholding access until I give a mugshot? I'm logging on and seeing the same 20 questions. Why don't I have access to the rest of the site. Why are my questions bumped off the homepage when a user that posts about pedophila is always on the homepage every time I log on. I am honestly curious. So now that I have your attention can you answer these questions?
originnone · 61-69, M
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We do not hide any posts from non-verified people.
@Pitchblue I didn't realize they were hiding posts for people not verified. I still doubt I'll do it.
@originnone It says, Verify to unlock all features. I see the same 20 posts over and over. What happened to the rest of the users? Has the algorithm grounded me? I don't understand. You'll notice SW didn't answer my questions.
deadgerbil · 22-25
Nah, I know people who aren't verified pretty well
Shutterspeed · 18-21, F
@deadgerbil oh ok :)
deadgerbil · 22-25
@Shutterspeed if you stay on here long enough, you'll get an idea of who the genuine people are with little bs and who the creeps/fakes are
Freeranger · M
verified.......the bloody Royal Meghan and Harry factor of our verified gets us what exactly? Club Med discounts? An ability to gain the head of the SW quay?

I have never, nor will I bother to differentiate or pay homage to, discrepancies between the entities. Good people don't need verification is my thought and if you do well........I've other ideas about that.
engorgedudders · 41-45, F
@Freeranger ''Good people don't need verification is my thought'' 👏🏻
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I don’t notice it PM is irrelevant for me
Shutterspeed · 18-21, F
Teirdalin · 31-35
Verified members are weird.
Belladonna · 41-45, F
@Teirdalin Thank you. XD
Shutterspeed · 18-21, F
@Teirdalin I see what you did there!
Convivial · 26-30, F
Verification doesn't improve a person's EQ
WanderingThrough · 31-35, F
Being verified doesn’t matter. All it means is that they’ve submitted some photos to prove what they look like. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Interact with people who you enjoy interacting with and ignore the ones you don’t.
Makes no difference. Being verified literally just means you’re honest about what your face looks like. I used to have a friend on here where her appearance was literally the only honest thing about her
originnone · 61-69, M
I don't even know what being verified means....
Shutterspeed · 18-21, F
@originnone I mean, it seems pretty simple to do, takes a couple seconds, but I guess for me the question is on this site does it really matter or not
Teirdalin · 31-35
@Shutterspeed you gets dah blue checkmark. A thing Twitter and Google have made symbolize being the cool person.
originnone · 61-69, M
@Shutterspeed Yeah, that's probably more my point....I don't like having to get up from my computer to do anything like take a photo and then transfer it....or get to my phone for two factor authentication or look up a password in my little book...
Longpatrol · 31-35, M
Nope, I'm not verified and I haven't noticed a difference in my interactions with folk on the site between verified and other unverified
calicuz · 51-55, M
I'm not verifying anything. If the NSA is gonna take me down, they have to work for it!!
Rainandforest · 22-25, F
I think it's not that important
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
I couldn't care less. 🤔
RedBaron · M
They don’t effect anyone, but they might AFFECT them or have an EFFECT on them.

But what does being verified or not even mean?
DrWatson · 70-79, M
I react to what a person posts and how they reply to others. I really don't even notice whether they are verified.
I really don't care about what people look like. I'm here to share. And I really don't pm much.
Orphic · F
I assume you are new here. It's no much difference because at the end it's how people really react and treat you.
Mmm. Don’t ever think about it. I’m interested in what people think primarily
CestManan · 46-50, F
I would say NOT to verify because then the creepos are more likely to try to smooth talk.
It doesn't matter to me one way or the other.
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
Nope. As long as they're decent acting, I'm good
pdockal · 56-60, M
Chickie · F
Being Verified isn't a big deal. It was made to help prevent answer your question no but they're are certain people I don't want to associate myself with.

This reminds me of the time when it was first introduced and the non-verified users would project or deflect on the verified ones claiming that we are bullies are think we're better than the non verified ones that isn't the case and they eventually got over it, I still don't see the big deal with being verified says a lot about others.
Orphic · F
I remember the first time that was introduced this here, As you said : not a big deal 👍🏻@Chickie
Dont let online life mean that much to you 😂

On SW "verification" literally means nothing ... it's mainly a way to help users log back in if they get locked out of their account (so it is a poorly named "feature" to start with, and broadcasting it publicly on a profile offers zero value since its main purpose is inherently private) ... and the only thing it verifies is that some human or pseudo-human made a real or pseudo-real photo of a humanoid figure holding a piece of paper
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Verified just means they are the person in the picture.

Once you have been around though you will get to know who likes to cause drama, etc.

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