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I Believe In Feminism

Where do certain men get off? Why are they so patronizing and think a woman wants to actually sit there, minding her own business and actually listen to bullshit? Enough of 'mansplaining' and 'menterrupting'. I'm talking about the total stranger who comes into your personal space with nothing better to do apparently than make your day a bit more boring.
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Sicarium · 46-50, M
Thank you for bitchsplaining the evils of mansplaining.

And yeah, how dare total strangers talk to You? Don't they know that's not how you get to know someone? The nerve.
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
@Sicarium You wouldn't have responded in the first place if you thought you had better things to do. But no. You're not coming up with a valid argument because you don't see the context of what I was saying. But go ahead and take the 'all feminists are man-haters' stance. Did I say I couldn't stand all men? No. You read that wrong. Not a surprise.
Runningwolves · 61-69, M
@MantledInClouds actually I believe it's you that's insecure... there isn't a single reply you've made that doesn't have a barb or provoking insult in it.

most confident people can express their opinions in a clam rational manner and if someone disagrees so what is their attitude.

Quite frankly I've always supported women's rights. But Ive begun to wonder why thanks yo people like you...
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
@Runningwolves But you're still on here despite the fact that I've answered other people who didn't throw the typical 'man-hater' response. Trust me, I don't need to agree with you.
Miram · 31-35, F
Maybe they didn't know they are doing it. I take off if I don't like what people have to say. If it's at work, I explain I am not interested. They insist? I get aggressive and intolerant.

Women do it just as much, though. I mean here I am?
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
@Miram I work in an office with women. I'm not antisocial but I mean men who physically invade your personal space or try to get you to talk to them and if you look decent, they'll get really attached or follow you around. Then they'll make a big show of being offended. I've never had that problem with young men, only older men who think they have some advantage because they're older and not wiser.
Miram · 31-35, F


That can be scary. Maybe it's because they come from a different generation and they are used to getting their needs met that way.

People change when their methods aren't successful. So the solution is to reject and explain their failures. Easier said than done since everyone have their defences up and you need to establish a common ground. So in situations where there is no time, it's better to put your own wellness first.
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
@Miram Yeah, thanks for your insight. I currently live in a smaller city where older people have a small-town attitude and sometimes it's okay and sometimes it's not. I actually got a ride home yesterday from a complete female stranger because she didn't want me walking home by myself. So there's a positive where people are community-oriented, but she was concerned about certain men who walk out alone, maybe they could be black, I don't know. They never hassle me though. It's usually the people who you could guess love guns and vote for Trump and are definitely of an older generation that want to act inappropriately.
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
Did this person just sit down and start talking about random nonsensical stuff?
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
@ArtisticStatic True. Thanks for seeing my point.
ArtisticStatic · 36-40, M
@MantledInClouds It wasn't hard to see when there was context. Have a nice night.
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
@ArtisticStatic Take care.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
I saw what you said happened. Sorry you had to deal with that old man with what he did. Now that I know the situation, I can better understand where you're coming from. At least you're not one of those insane feminists who just assume if someone has a penis that they're sexist or that they're harassing you or something and that with no context just expecting for everybody to "listen and believe". I wouldn't let what the old man did get to you.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
@MantledInClouds oh wow. I did not even see the date it was posted. Stupid me.
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
Oh no you're not.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
And feminism isn't here to cater to guys like you. We're not even going there.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@MantledInClouds It's really not that difficult to hit the reply button, you know?
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
You are a very angry woman. You need a man.
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 You need some brains if you're going to start acting like you know what I need.
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
TammieBear · 22-25, F
Some men think they are indispensable and mistake their confidence and feelings of superiority for charm. They lack imagination or empathy and do not realise when they have become a true pain in the a**e 🐻
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
These men are creeps by the way and you're probably one too. Congratulations.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@MantledInClouds You do a lot of projecting. Why not just deal with people honestly? Or does that not help with the pretend-victimhood?
MantledInClouds · 26-30, F
@Sicarium Maybe you usually get on every feminist's case you see, but I wouldn't know because I'm not actually interested in you.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
@MantledInClouds Nah, I was just curious about why you're so hateful. But I guess feminism explains it.
Yeah, it’s a drag. But that’s not gender specific by any means. I’ve had women come and start inane conversations when I wasn’t in the mood, too. I try to be polite, or get up and excuse myself. 🙂

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