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Noala · 36-40, T
And how come it is land of the free and you are not welcoming her ? In addition to that , if she is not welcomed , so why she was permitted to enter your country ?
Racism , racism , racism ... the lesion of nations
berangere · 80-89, F
@Noala: [youtube=]
Noala · 36-40, T
Such examples has to be eleminated from our countries , those are the seeds of terrorism that i talked about. Those have no loyality to their country and this is a disaster. I have met much muslims that are businessmen and doctors and good people . If such people in the videos met those , they will call them betrayers. Those are walking on the same path of knights templar except that the last had the official blessing , i cant immagine how our counries still accepting them between us ?? This is not what i read or studied or even touched from many close friends @berangere:
berangere · 80-89, F
@Noala: Islam has to reform itself from within, those good muslims would like to see reform but sadly many others do not,one being saudi-arabia with it extreme version of islam wahhabism and because of the oil they weild great power.Far more muslims imams want to stick to traditional islam than those who want to secularise the ideology and many muslims among the public want sharia law.

nedkelly · 61-69, M
Muslims hate living in a country that is run by Muslims, but they go to another country, Muslims will go to strip countries that have a good welfare system ruthlessly of money or goods by open violence, not all Muslims
I agree with most of what you say. However, there are some Muslims that do integrate into society.
SaintAdelaide · 31-35, F
@lilchickennugget23: I use to be Muslim! Now I'm atheist!
Innocentpigeon · 31-35, M
You're acting like America has never had wars, civil wars to be specific! Muslims countries are less confronting than most Americans. I do agree that when you're in another country, you should accept their customs.
SaintAdelaide · 31-35, F
@Innocentpigeon: The young American men stayed and fought for change, not like the young Muslim cowards that run to western countries!
Innocentpigeon · 31-35, M
You can read all about those courageous men fighting for your freedom, but if you think for one second that there weren't cowards fleeing the country as soon as things got violent, you are dreaming! I'll give you a closer example in time. Remember when Trump was being elected? How many cowards thought their life would change just because their president was probably going to start a war? I think you haven't realized that every person in this world experiences fear of losing their family and country differently, and since you haven't experienced it yourself, you assume it's a person's duty to protect their land to their death, without care of the consequence.

If you ever get evicted, for whatever reason, what would you do? Pick up and leave, or fight the system for an extremely low chance in keeping your home, your memories, your future plans?
CaliLuv702 · 36-40, F
Go eat a bag of dicks. People like you don't deserve this country.
berangere · 80-89, F
@CaliLuv702: WAKE UP! And stop calling those whose eyes are open bigots,haters and islamophobes! You sound so hostile! And stop using the "all muslims" platitude,it is getting old.Yes a great many muslims WANT to impose sharia law wherever they go,I have close friends in Marseille France and they tell me about "no go zones" where even the French police dares not enter,a young couple they know were attacked in the street by a gang of muslim youth and beaten because they were holding hands, in their own country, having sharia law imposed on them for doing nothing more than holding hands.Thoses are the ones you should have a go at and not those who try to expose those creeps and their creeping sharia!

SaintAdelaide · 31-35, F
@berangere: Wow I'm surprised this is happening in France.
berangere · 80-89, F
@Cougarmilf: Sadly it is,France has a relatively large muslim population.
berangere · 80-89, F
Sadly the Qu'ran and the teaching of mohammed forbids muslims to make friends with infidels and the people of the book and this certainly is a force against them integrating.They will not integrate.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Have you ever met a Muslim?
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
@Cougarmilf: I'm confused by your answer - are you Muslim ? Or are you angry that there are Muslims in Kosovo?
SaintAdelaide · 31-35, F
@Dlrannie: I'm an ex Muslim! The Muslims invaded my country!
chrisCA · M
@Cougarmilf: I suppose you would appreciate how the Native North Americans felt when the British, French, and the Spanish invaded their land?
I see a rant and not much in the way of reasoned argument. Was America formed by immigrants? For the most part- yes. Were they Muslim? No. The rest of the post? Yuck.
chrisCA · M
@Peekaboo: Maybe not in large numbers, but I am sure there were Muslim immigrants among the many over the last two hundred years.
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I think some would if they could but they can't break free the terrorists in their country.
She didn't say muslims immigrants. Stop twisting her words.
YMITheWayIM · 46-50, M
TJNewton · M
You do have some valid points which i agree with but not all muslims are the same
SaintAdelaide · 31-35, F
@Lazarus: I never said all. I said they don't appreciate countries that welcomed them.
TJNewton · M
@Cougarmilf: True
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@Cougarmilf: Who says that they don't appreciate countries that welcomed them? Do you know such Muslims personally? Or do you know any Muslim immigrant?
I know Muslim refugees because it's my job to work with them. There might be for sure some Muslim refugees (but also from other religions) who don't appreciate that they have the possibility to live in safety in another country.

But the bigger part of all refugees (Muslims and Non-Muslims) appreciate it.
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SaintAdelaide · 31-35, F
@AwesomeEmoDragon: I am also an immigrant, I'm not anti immigrant. I'm against the lies. With the same energy they can enforce change.
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Wraithorn · 51-55, M
@chris62ca: I can't point fingers too much. At some stage just about every nation or their ancestors have benefited by oppressing others. It's time for the entire population of Earth to say ,"I am sorry" to everyone else. Then we need to start sharing and stop fighting.
SaintAdelaide · 31-35, F
@Wraithorn: I welcome this thought.
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
@Cougarmilf: But you deleted the others ? Fair enough, it is your question.

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