cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
CallMeHopeless: I'm the same way. Worked with a woman who stole and didn't mind trying to get others blamed for it, and she made trouble in a variety of ways. People who knew her well were scared to tell on her and she was so slick she never got caught. I said all along to my friends, she's gonna get hers one day. She worked for 24 years at that place and quit one year before she could have gotten her health & dental insurance paid for in retirement. The reason was they were going to make her work in another area and she said she wouldn't do it, was afraid of having to work too hard. She had to keep working at another full-time job just to pay for her health insurance. I didn't hear about that until 3 years later...laughed my butt off. 😂

Call: We choose and I am not telling you what to choose, you know what you can do and what you have been through.
But, bitterness eats at me and I cannot do it anymore, it is worse than anything I have experienced by him.
But, bitterness eats at me and I cannot do it anymore, it is worse than anything I have experienced by him.
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
I know Rae, i can forgive almost anything, but my kids being done wrong. Especially when it's ongoing. He doesn't really make it possible to forgive.
Carissimi · F
If I met a person who was vindictive and wanting revenge, I couldn't be their friend. I would not trust them not to do the same to me, even for something I'd done inadvertently. Those types are dangerous, and I wouldn't waste my time and energy on them.
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
Oh, i get on with my life. But I'm always waiting for a good laugh when they get theirs.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
It steals your valuable time and energy to plot revenge...I'd say the best revenge is to get on with your life and do better, that will make them envious.
floatingintheocean · 36-40, F
My recent experience with revenge is in your mind you will teach the person a lesson, in reality? you turn them into the victim and everyone ends up supporting them when they were bad in the first place so bad idea.

Call: It takes time to get to a place were you just don't care anymore. I hope for the best, don't expect it, but wish no harm. That did not happen overnight.

I get it but it's easier to move on with your life.. In my experiences anyway.. I had to forgive for ME and my sanity.
ProdigalSummer · F
Revenge is only appropriate in books and movies...
[image/video deleted]
CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
I'd rather they learned too Rae. I just know they're not gonna learn until the world falls down around them and they don't have anyone to go to. there's only one person on the planet i was thinking of when i answered this. He'll never learn.
Autumnbreeze · 41-45, F
I'd tell her to get on with her life. Let's say she has only left 1 year to live.Who should she spend this time for? For herself or for someone who wronged to her? It has never been easy to do the right thing but it is possible

Call: I'd rather they changed and be happy they have. I just want to forget the bad stuff and move on.
shanester22 · 41-45, M
It really does depend on what's done, I do depend on what one person said there
Elegy · 46-50
I get it to some extent. Depends on how bad what was done is.

Revenge always backfires in the end, it is not worth it.

Get on with their lives, revenge is immature in my book
mic11225 · 26-30, M
I get it. I still disprove of it though
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sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Yet allowing time to wound all heels is the best karma
No that's evil.. I immediately go to their face and kick their face 😇 In full blown rage.. Or chill cause they dumb and not worth the bother.. Idk *shrugs* :/