Why do so many Westerners think that blowing up Muslims will help a situation?
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And these are the types of people behind this post. This thinking right here. How old are you? It doesnt matter. It just goes to show the ignorance
@LexiLee23: Lexi.. shut up Lexi 😑
Lexi hearts her own comments... ffs Lexi!! Shut up

Terriosts come from all different religions and backgrounds maybe they aren't doing what they are doing to help a situation more like for installing fear in others and gaining some kind of control over society.

@A7xqueen: 😁😂woohoo 🤘
Cheekygirl · 26-30, F
@MrsLilithRamirez: if you know Islamic people, you know they don't respect other religions too much. In fact the quran tells them exactly what to do with the non-believers....

@Cheekygirl: There are evil people from all beliefes like i already said but as hard as it is we mustn't generalise not all muslims are bad people that kill others some of them just happened to fall in the wrong hands and brainwashed as a result.
Northwest · M
You're absolutely right, blowing things up rarely, if ever, helps a situation.
If you're talking about the latest episode of blowing things up, as in firing 59 cruise missiles, to blow up an airport, then I am not sure if any of the navy personnel who launched these missiles, are Muslim. We know President Trump is not Muslim.
So, I would have to say, that your claim may not be accurate, as we cannot be certain that Muslims were involved in that incident.
If you're talking about the latest episode of blowing things up, as in firing 59 cruise missiles, to blow up an airport, then I am not sure if any of the navy personnel who launched these missiles, are Muslim. We know President Trump is not Muslim.
So, I would have to say, that your claim may not be accurate, as we cannot be certain that Muslims were involved in that incident.
firefall · 61-69, M
Why do so many Americans think shooting people dead will help a situation?
Cheekygirl · 26-30, F
It's Germany today. I suppose it's the Muslim way to thank a country for allowing them so much asylum. Rape girls and new years and bomb buses. Nice people
firefall · 61-69, M
@Cheekygirl: are you always such a racist fuckhead?
Cheekygirl · 26-30, F
@firefall: Will you say that when they blow your family up in the name of peace?

Cuz they're the bomb

Bomb diggity no doubt.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Goralski · 56-60, M
@BradPitt: exactly
Goralski · 56-60, M
@HijabbaDabbaDoo: I jihad all day and night

@Goralski: you struggle all day and night? As in mentally orrr...
Didn't think any less to be honest after these comments. At least you're aware of your problem.
Didn't think any less to be honest after these comments. At least you're aware of your problem.
lorne13 · 61-69, M
Always worked for everyone else didn't it?
xmedleft · 51-55, M
Education is a key. In that part of the world where Islam is dominant it is not always valuable to educate their people fully, as education leads to an ability to question the nature of the world. Their religion is supposed to tell them about the nature of the world -- as all religions definitionally do. However, if you are educated enough to question then that threatens getting your answers from a religion.
Christianity went through this a few times already,
*just ask Galileo.
*And all those "witches" at Salem.
*And people today who are facing more and more pressure for not being "Christian enough".
BUT if you don't educate people enough there is another potential problem; someONE stepping in with answers that SEEM to resemble the dictates of the religion. So there are some clerics and leaders in the Middle East who exploit the low education level for their own extreme ends -- working on the people until it makes sense to believe that the only way to protect your people from a mighty military power that seems to want to wipe them out is to go guerrilla.
Americans, and allies of, are easily led astray, too, on blow-it-up road.
*Ask the 30,000+ Iraqis killed by Americans (et al) who thought the invasion was in retribution for the 3000 killed on Sept. 11 (which Iraq had no hand in at all.)
*Ask the unknown numbers of non-ISIL Syrians killed by Russians and Americans (et al) while hunting for ISIL forces.
*Ask gay Americans killed by members of Westboro Baptist Church.
Christianity went through this a few times already,
*just ask Galileo.
*And all those "witches" at Salem.
*And people today who are facing more and more pressure for not being "Christian enough".
BUT if you don't educate people enough there is another potential problem; someONE stepping in with answers that SEEM to resemble the dictates of the religion. So there are some clerics and leaders in the Middle East who exploit the low education level for their own extreme ends -- working on the people until it makes sense to believe that the only way to protect your people from a mighty military power that seems to want to wipe them out is to go guerrilla.
Americans, and allies of, are easily led astray, too, on blow-it-up road.
*Ask the 30,000+ Iraqis killed by Americans (et al) who thought the invasion was in retribution for the 3000 killed on Sept. 11 (which Iraq had no hand in at all.)
*Ask the unknown numbers of non-ISIL Syrians killed by Russians and Americans (et al) while hunting for ISIL forces.
*Ask gay Americans killed by members of Westboro Baptist Church.

Cuz statements like yours..
Cheekygirl · 26-30, F
What statement comes to your mind after a terrorist incident? What do you think the solution is to the problem?
Honestly, isn't that kiiiinda what we American people do as well? It's pretty much our solution to everything we don't like "blow that shit up!"
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ajoite · 51-55, F
@BradPitt: 😆

@BradPitt: yah its very stupid

To avoid stupid posts like this
FunKingPizzaShip · M
@HijabbaDabbaDoo: You can list off all the 3 letter acronyms you want. We all know the most dangerous ones these days are Islamic ideologues.
Cheekygirl · 26-30, F
@HijabbaDabbaDoo: All extremists yes, but none of them are currently blowing up civilians in my country or in countries around me. What's your view on the quran's view of the non-believer?

@Ax17x7: the LRA have been torturing, murdering and kidnapping people in uganda, south sudan and central africa since 2012. The only difference is they don't hit the headlines. In regards to the popular 'islamic' terrorist organisations, if you look at their origins, the US and Saudi arabia governments have been involved in funding but of course its a religious concern and not a political one.
Mondayschild · F
These people are extremists with a different agenda than the majority of Muslims.
Cheekygirl · 26-30, F
I understand that, but how does that help us?
Mondayschild · F
How many innocent people died in Iraq without proof of any wrongdoing? If you look at it on a global level we are the terrorist blowing shit and people up. We need to stop being a world bully and that would help us.

not just Muslims think that way tho!
Paliglass · 41-45, F
Well according to the Jews the son of God would come and then a false profit claiming to be the light that is actually sent from the devil to cause war and destruction would come.??!!!
Other than that every religion has brought war one way or another so in a hundred years or 2 scientology will be blowing everyone up and Muslims will be more like Christians, Christians more like Jews and the Jews more like Hindus....
Circle of life. Personally I believe we need to find our own words and relationship with the creator and that all religion is used to suppress women and poor people.
Peace ✌
Other than that every religion has brought war one way or another so in a hundred years or 2 scientology will be blowing everyone up and Muslims will be more like Christians, Christians more like Jews and the Jews more like Hindus....
Circle of life. Personally I believe we need to find our own words and relationship with the creator and that all religion is used to suppress women and poor people.
Peace ✌
FunKingPizzaShip · M
Well... look what's happening in the countries where the blow shit up. Every time a Muslim blows something up, everyone in that country has to go out of their way to say that Islam is the religion of peace.
oh come on... name one violent Muslim 😤
Teirdalin · 31-35
Reminds me of that time black lives matter stopped an LGBT parade, and told them that unless they were made their honorary group or some nonsense like that, and removed the police float from the LGBT parade, that they would shut down the LGBT parade for 'anti-blackness'. xD
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
like the christians shooting up people when things don't go their way?
gee, who knows.
gee, who knows.
wilderflower · F
@Ax17x7: You think it's debatable whether the Crusades were right or not? If that's your view the same arguments could be made for ISIS. I don't like what ISIS or any groups like it are doing and I can't see any justification for the Crusades.
FunKingPizzaShip · M
@jadedgirl: War is often difficult to justify. The Crusades weren't spontaneous. The Byzantium Empire was at war with Islam for hundreds of years and were losing. They needed help, so they pleaded with the West and they got it. Yes atrocities were committed. But it wasn't like some European King woke up one day and said, "You know, I'm going to kill Muslims because I have nothing else to do and I'm bored."
wilderflower · F
@Ax17x7: I don't need humorous simplification. I know there's a time when war is the only logical step.
Why do all christians think hating everyone that isn't like them will solve everything? Better yet, why do christians always cry persecution when they don't get their way? Or even better yet why do christians even exist?
Cheekygirl · 26-30, F
Why do any religions exist? Ask yourself that
@Cheekygirl: Why do you exist? Clearly your parents missed an opportunity to you know... abort you.
HeadInTheClouds · F
@MsAnnThropy: 😂
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JimboUk · 31-35, M
Because they believe by killing none believers they will be with god in the afterlife. This is why they break the world down to the house of Islam and the house of war. Your even with Islam or at war with Islam. Everyone must be converted it's not a religion of peace. Doesn't mean their isn't good Muslims, I've got plenty of good Muslim friends. Most people are good of heart and don't follow everything in the guran but their is always a minority that have to take things to the extremes.
cause they mad
chrisCA · M
Probably for the same reasons that everyone else needs to blow things up, or bomb another country or people.
All of them...TERRORISTS!😣

@Cheekygirl: if thats the case, you'd support muslims since they're the biggest victims of terrorism. Ah.. ignorance is great.
Then we need to find these terrorists who are killing Muslims immediately!!... what religion are they so I can condemn them to HELL!😣
Then we need to find these terrorists who are killing Muslims immediately!!... what religion are they so I can condemn them to HELL!😣
Cheekygirl · 26-30, F
@HijabbaDabbaDoo: are you being serious? How are Muslims the biggest victims of terrorism? They in the current climate are the cause of terrorism, NOT VICTIMS. I understand it is only a small percentage who are extremists, but this doesn't make anything safer, if we just keep sitting back and taking it, they will just keep coming. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH
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LoneKnight · M
Islam promises heaven to those Muslims who kill infidels .
OrangeLettuce · 46-50, F
And 72 virgins
Teirdalin · 31-35
@Purplecarrot: Where do they even get all the virgins from? 🤔 Maybe moohampotatoes just beams up Tumblrites.