Serenitree · F
It's to do with my inner strength. For a long while I was going through a very rough patch and I felt like I was going to crumble. Then things started to pick up. I got a grip and started dealing with the problems instead of crying all the time.
A friend on EP said that she could see me growing stronger and more peaceful. She suggested SerenityTree. That sounded not bad, but kind of a mouthful, so I change it to Serenitree. And so I remain. Strong and calm.
Apr. 1/17
1:04 am
A friend on EP said that she could see me growing stronger and more peaceful. She suggested SerenityTree. That sounded not bad, but kind of a mouthful, so I change it to Serenitree. And so I remain. Strong and calm.
Apr. 1/17
1:04 am
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Serenitree · F
@OneLostSoul: thanks. I try. I still have days when I feel less than strong, but I don't allow myself to wallow.
Apr. 1/17
1:088 am
Apr. 1/17
1:088 am
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@Serenitree: staying positive is always good.
bijouxbroussard · F
@Serenitree: 🤗👍🏼
Carver · 31-35, F
It means I love making people smile. 😁🔪
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
Mrs. = Married woman
Katherine = My full name
Arch = My surname
Katherine = My full name
Arch = My surname
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
@OneLostSoul: yep-really mysterious, huh? 🙃
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
not explained it well
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
@OneLostSoul: Sorry, I was being silly
tnjazz · 70-79, M
where I am from and what is the main part of my CD collection
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
tnjazz · 70-79, M
Nothing that deep
That is something you will have to find out for yourself..
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
I guess genderless people create mysteries.
lol i have a gender i just choose not to show it

My old YouTube username. I like to show display things in pfp and see how people react.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Quite interesting!
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OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
fishing since 5 decades?
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DrakeoMagister · 26-30, M
It means that it is my gamer tag.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
oh alright!
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
I have moved on
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Moved on to better place?
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
@OneLostSoul: Every step we take heads in that direction :)
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F

simple English :P
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
meaning not too encouraging,sadly

I reckon

OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Nice response
bijouxbroussard · F
It was my grandmother's nickname.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Well thought out.
abstractmuse90 · 31-35, F
I draw designs from a subconscious mindset that is very abstract. :D
abstractmuse90 · 31-35, F
i feel like my intentions when i draw, are pretty neutral. it's not about whether it's good or bad, it's just taking the energies of how i think and feel underneath and channeling them into designs.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
That is nice,really
abstractmuse90 · 31-35, F
I've never been religious, so i've never had that concept of going to heaven or going to hell. My parents allowed me to explore freely into whatever realm i've wanted. I've even looked into Satanism just to learn about their history and their beliefs. My dad freaked out, thinking i was going to get sucked into it, but knowing myself, i wasn't a cult follower, just an explorer, and sometimes it's through art, music, being outdoors or other things that gets me mentally stimulated.
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Nothing, you're just looking too much into it.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Too dark against light
@OneLostSoul: Right...
AnnieSeeker · 70-79, F
it is descriptive and I hope self explanatory
Cindy · F
just me :)
Cindy · F
@OneLostSoul: I don't understand :/
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Do you feel good being sissy?
Cindy · F
@OneLostSoul: idk not always
Eyesropen · 61-69, C
That I really do pay attention...
Aliengel · 26-30, M
"the academy"
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
ProdigalSummer · F
That I'm a book nerd.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
All books and no fun makes summer so dull!
ProdigalSummer · F
@OneLostSoul: oh, I'm not dull...
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Good! you do seem sharp as well :)