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Houseboy · 26-30, M
Probably. People with more money have a much easier time of educating themselves
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
That's very true, but usually educated people will encourage their children to follow the same path. You don't have to be wealthy to be educated.
Houseboy · 26-30, M
But it certainly helps

Coppercoil · M Best Comment
Ok.. this is a loaded question. So then, What metrics are we using to measure success? Money? Power? Influence? Social standing? If those are the criteria, then the statistics are pretty clear. But if we measure success with a life well lived.. lack of regrets.. fulfilling relationships.. etc. Then I'm not so sure it's quite as clear.
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
Question was directed toward earning capabilities. You gave me a loaded answer that made me think. 👍
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
If you look just within the US, then absolutely. The US has a kind of low literacy rate because it has massive inequality and education that varies according to your family's income level.

Worldwide... it gets weird. Countries that have, or had command economies tend to have crazy high literacy rates. Soviet Bloc countries like Lativa, Uzbekistan and so forth have 99% literacy rates or close to it. Cuba has a famously high literacy rate, and your earning power is going to be much less there because of a lower GDP and just the way the economy is structured.
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
You're absolutely correct, I've also come to the same conclusion.
I do agree with that
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
I concur.
Yes definitely.
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
In general, yes, but there's a ceiling to the effects of literacy. Once you're literate, it's up to your other qualities to differentiate yourself from other literate people.
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
I guess it all comes down to getting your hands dirty to do hard graft, either figuratively or literally. I'm quite sure physically or mentally lazy people will, over time, earn smaller rewards in life.
Goralski · 51-55, M
Hmmmmmmm how many billionaires never graduated collage? ?
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
Take out the lucky few who manage to reach the billionaire status through entrepreneurial adventures.

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