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Isn't tolerate such a marvellous word?

I tolerate a screaming baby on a bus...

When they say we should tolerate other ppl/ races/ religions. etc etc.

Arnt we all just really saying 'I put up with it.. But yeah ... I'm not a huge fan... ? 🤔
Well yes. Just as you will tolerate the baby peacefully I will tolerate religion peacefully. If someone puts the baby on your lap or thrusts their religion in my face we might get a bit pissy
@theoneyouwerewarnedabout: I don't think that would work-aren't they mostly against us "embracing" things??
@Peppapig: Cultural appropriation and all that...
Good point Lolz 👍
To tolerate is to inherently have a superiority complex, like you say.

If you tolerate your kid brothers annoying behaviour you are really saying, "I am a better person than you because you are annoying but I am not going to say anything and just put up with it."
Yeah, seems like that. They will only like you as long as you are their way.
Nimbus · M
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
I think tolerance is just self control. You know you wanna say something to that stupid person but you take a deep breath and count to 10.

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