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Why does the Pope act as if he is a closet atheist ?

😅 .. On a serious note though.. Not sure why are many people impressed with what he said.... I mean, saying that it is better to be an atheist rather than Christian hypocrite, I feel it is as if he is implying that atheists are the worst ever so in order to teach his fellow Christians that being hypocrite is bad, he has preferred atheism (a very bad thing) over it! I don't think he meant to compliment atheists as a matter of fact, I don't see what's his point, what do atheists have to do with his argument over some Christians who are hypocrite?!
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Picklebobble · 56-60, M
As I understood it, I think he was having a pop at so called Christians who seem to like religious dogma but not showing real life forgiveness and understanding.
The comparison with Athiests is the idea that they may well be non believers but that doesn't make them non forgiving. Nor does it make them non-compassionate !
In that regard those suggesting living by and constantly quoting dogma, but NOT living up to what they preach probably makes them the worse human being.
He doesn't. He acknowledges that the meritorious acts of atheists are far more pleasing to God than the vile acts of Christian pretenders. This is fully consistent with Roman Catholic teachings. It's only when we get into protestant gibberish that we see stuff like being able to enter heaven with a last minute change of belief.
meaning it is better to not believe than to only partially believe. whats the point in acting like you believe in something.. you ruin other peoples faith by being one foot in the beliefs and one foot out. its better to not believe at all than to be a fake christian.
UnhatchedEgg · 31-35, F
But being a true Christian is not really good given that Christianity is full of horrible things like any other religion... so he is hyprocrit himself and nothing impressive about what he said, Just a normal religious person talk that try to imply religion is so kind and amazing when it is not
@UnhatchedEgg: whats bad about being a christian? being viewed as being judgemental?
UnhatchedEgg · 31-35, F
@theowl: Christianity promotes a lot of bad things, read the bible
I actually respected that. It's the first time I can remember anyone who represented the church saying such a thing. The argument I always hear to justify Christian hypocrisy is that they're "not perfect, just forgiven". I loved the fact that the Pope basically said "if that's how one is representing the church, why bother even calling oneself a Christian ?"
UnhatchedEgg · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard: :) ... I will admit that my views may be aggressive.. it is because I have been done harm with that religion thing so I can't take those preachers and their religions anymore, and I specifically hate the preachers who promote open minded ideas under the name of religion I feel they are extra hypocrite because they try and attract people with that fake kind face of religion whereas the other type of preachers show the real face of religion and they do us a favour because it repels people... anyhow, without much of bla bla bla..funny I should mention that when the Pope was elected I was still a believer and I used to quite like him then .. it is because he comforted me that believers are not that bad, that someone as religious as a Pope could actually be accepting of others and could promote open minded idea, as a believer who is peacful and have a good heart I loved these kinds of preachers, they affirmed my faith that we are not all bad (because I was already batteling myself about the bad things I am seeing) funny that when I left my faith I hated his guts no matter what truth or good he said, probably because of the point I made above, probably because I experienced myself how some believers that have a questioning mind could fall in the trap of this fake niceness of religion... you see, you and I have different past experience which is why we are viewing it differently and why we have different emotions towards it and I am sure there is a point in what you are saying plus it is a rational point of view while I admit my views regarding these issues are extra emotional and perhaps not that rational.
UnhatchedEgg · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard: Sorry for this long response!
@UnhatchedEgg: No problem at all. I respect your perspective. 🙂
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I havent heard it but from what I read from you it sounds weird 🤔 It says in the bible that being unaware of the truth is better than being aware of it and deciding to not follow it.
He might be. He is sure angering christians the world over.
Goralski · 56-60, M
He's a closet child molester
HaHLoBravado · 36-40, M
It's all such a crock of shit.

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