I have been an observer all my life. I was never really taught anything from my parents.
I've witnessed my mom being treated terribly by my father and step-father. It made me want to treat women with the respect they deserve. I don't consider myself a white knight by any means. Labels, ew.
I could get into the more deep stuff, but i'll leave it there.
I've witnessed my mom being treated terribly by my father and step-father. It made me want to treat women with the respect they deserve. I don't consider myself a white knight by any means. Labels, ew.
I could get into the more deep stuff, but i'll leave it there.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
I can understand that. That is what i take away from my own abuse and the abuse that i've seen other people go through. Especially as someone who isn't confrontational or aggressive. I believe the best I can do is just treat people with the dignity they deserve.
I think that's the hidden gem of those bad experiences, that you know what not to do and the importance of the damage it can do to people. It's understanding people's pain while others would just trivialize their problems.
I think that's the hidden gem of those bad experiences, that you know what not to do and the importance of the damage it can do to people. It's understanding people's pain while others would just trivialize their problems.
CuTiePi · F
From my Father I learned to be confident and kind-hearted. From my MotherI learned not to be like her if I wanted to be a normal happy person.
That no matter how well and long you live, you'll never have all of the answers. And that's ok.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
thats an interesting lesson to learn from your parents. That one really came to me from the internet i feel.
I think my parents are both extreme opposites so I learned that a balance of their characters make for a pretty well-rounded personality. Patience and tolerance from my mother. Independence and strength from my father.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
same here actually. My mom was pretty permissive when it came to raising us and my dad was very authoritarian and even as a kid I kind of got a hint of what the pros were and more importantly the flaws were of those parenting styles, although when i looked back on it when i was older understood it more. I didnt really have terms for it at the time, but i ended up figuring out that it was a thing psychologists had already studied when i took a child psychology class.
@mic11225: yeah our experiences and lessons we got from them are eerily similar. I think most importantly growing up in a household like that made me resilient.
CassandraFemale17 · 26-30, F
Never lie. When you lie, you become nothing. Your word means nothing, your credibility is nothing.
You can't ever be trusted as you default to lying.
Tell the truth even if you are to be seen in a bad light, because anything is worse than losing your name.
And liars have no name. They are nothing. They are laughed at and pitied behind their backs and they end up just lying to themselves as those around them have already written them off completely.
You can't ever be trusted as you default to lying.
Tell the truth even if you are to be seen in a bad light, because anything is worse than losing your name.
And liars have no name. They are nothing. They are laughed at and pitied behind their backs and they end up just lying to themselves as those around them have already written them off completely.
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
To take good care of yourself because no one will take as much care for you.
twistermind · 51-55, F
Your parents seem smart.
They taught me love and respect.
They taught me love and respect.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
@twistermind Well I do consider both of them smart c: . And it's good that they did. If I might be so bold I think anyone who doesn't teach their kids those things(or at least tries) is doing society a bit of a disservice.
twistermind · 51-55, F
@mic11225: @mic11225: Agree! But, you know parents are inside a sick society so many times they unknown what your parents knew. That's why I said that your parents are especial.
MistahBuziness · 36-40, M
My father taught me how to conceal a knife at the age of 4. Those were the jungle days.
mic11225 · 26-30, M
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
From both of my parents, my own conclusion from knowing them: Life can be wonderful provided you don't join the Communist Party.