Socialclutz · 36-40, M
I always want to go there but I have atleast 6 books to get through before I do and I have a hard enough time reading them as is with bad eye site
When all the texts have been transferred to digital format.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I find them essential when I want to read original historical text.
Nah there are plenty of of bother liberal and conservervative zealots everywhere. It is us moderates who are becoming extinct.
Omg I totally misread that question. Lol sorry. Too much politics lately. I need a news break and remedial reading class.
dark548 · M
You have a point though, don't seem to be too many "moderates" out there
NewKidInTown · 51-55, M
Not here. We use them every week. Kids enjoy it.
Fauxmyope2 · 31-35, F
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Let's not give internet so much power that it can wipe out physical books from existence.
Sanare · 36-40, F
katielass · F
Not in my town. Damn, its crowded every day.